Forum Discussion

TaSM1_90432's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 28, 2011

iRule to inspect case-insensitive string

Hello all:



I am trying to compose an irule which examines a 'POST' in http header, doesn't care about case as it may be capitals or not, and processes as normal if that value is present. If that value is NOT present - reject the inbound connection.




Here is where I'm at:






set keyvalue 0


if { [HTTP::method] equals "POST"} {


set http_headers [HTTP::header names]


foreach header $http_headers {


if {tolower $header equals "somevalue"} {


set keyvalue if we find the header


keyvalue == 1






if {$keyvalue ne 1} {












^^This is not taking into the LTM v9.4.5, so I assume I have some formatting error or other issue.^^




Another potential one is:





if {[HTTP::method] equals "POST"} {


set http_headers [HTTP::header names]


[$http_headers "somevalue"] if {$index == -1} { TCP::close } } }


^^this doesn't evaluate case insensitivity though^^


I'm hoping there is an easy way to accomplish what I'm after.


Thank you.



  • You need "string tolower" and not just "tolower."



    To make sure I understand what you're trying to do:



    1. Only examine POSTs.


    2. Reject POST unless a certain header exists.



    Are you looking for a certain header name, or any header that has a certain value? The rules above loop through every single header so will be inefficient if you're just looking for a specific one.
  • The header name matching in [HTTP::header value NAME] isn't case sensitive. So you could just look for the header name without a loop or setting the name to lower case.



  • Thank you Hoolio. That is good to know as the requirement is to have this be non case sensitive.



    If I am understanding then, this irule should meet the requirements then:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if {[HTTP::method] equals "POST"} {


    set http_headers [HTTP::header names]


    [$http_headers "specific_value_name"] if {$index == -1} { TCP::close } } }
  • This should work to check close TCP connections when a POST without a required header name is parsed:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        Check for POST requests
       if {[HTTP::method] eq "POST"}{
          if { not ([HTTP::header exists "my_required_header_name"])}{
