Forum Discussion

Emre_27149's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 09, 2011

irule redirection issue



Incoming client requests to - (10.x.x.199) distrubutes to the pool httpgw-8086-pool but I want to change the URI when the clinet requests load balanced (exmp: 10.x.x.257:8086/httpgw) . I have wrote the below irules to accomplish my goal but it did not work.How can I direct the client requests to the pool as . Thank you."



pool httpgw-8086-pool {


monitor all tcp


members {


10.x.x.157:8086 {}


10.x.x.158:8086 {


session user disabled






rule httpgw-irule {




if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/" } {


HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/" "/httpgw"} [HTTP::uri]]









rule httpgw-irule-alternate {




if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/" }


{ set newuri "/httpgw"


log "Incoming uri - [HTTP::uri] being translated to $newuri"


HTTP::uri $newuri








rule httpgw-redirection {




if { (([HTTP::host] equals "") and ([HTTP::uri] equals "/")) }{


HTTP::redirect ""








virtual httpgw-8086-VIP {


pool httpgw-8086-pool


destination 10.x.x.199:http


ip protocol tcp


rules httpgw-irule-alternate


persist source_addr


profiles {


http {}


tcp-lan-optimized {




} tcp-wan-optimized {








  • The iRule that you have written will mask the URI to the user and send the modified URI to the server.

    If you want the User to see the redirect you can modify your iRule slightly.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/" } {
    set newuri "/httpgw"
    log "Incoming uri - [HTTP::uri] being translated to $newuri"
    HTTP::uri $newuri
    HTTP::redirect $newuri

    Hope this helps, but if this is not the behavior that you are looking for let me know.

  • Hi Michael,


    Thank you for your helps.It is working as well.Your rule is changing incoming request to and redirecting to pool members. If this possible I also want to know that how can I redirect incoming request to pool members as :port/httpgw .


  • You can specify a specific Node and Port with the node command.





    I don't think that is what you are trying to do though. Are you trying to work around default Virtual Server Address and Port Translations?



    Address Translation


    Specifies, when checked (enabled), that the system translates the address of the virtual server. When cleared (disabled), specifies that the system uses the address without translation. This option is useful when the system is load balancing devices that have the same IP address. The default is enabled.



    Port Translation


    Specifies, when checked (enabled), that the system translates the port of the virtual server. When cleared (disabled), specifies that the system uses the port without translation. Turning off port translation for a virtual server is useful if you want to use the virtual server to load balance connections to any service. The default is enabled.



    You can de-select these options on the Virtual Server and see if that gives you the behavior that you are looking for.


  • Hi Michael,


    The client request need to go pool member as :port/httpgw . is that possible?


  • Hi Micheal


    You rule is changing the client uri as and redirecting it to pool members.But I want to do that the requests go to pool member as : port/httpgw .
  • Yes I believe that you can, but you would need to further refine the iRule and build the destination in the HTTP::redirect event.



    You should be able to get the Destination Server and Port from the LB::server Command.



    Look here for ideas:


  • Hi Michael,


    That will be good article to accomplish my goal.Thank you for your helps,


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    If you want to rewrite the host header based on the selected pool member IP and/or port, you can use the HTTP_REQUEST_SEND event. Here is a 9.4.x example which you could modify to use the class command for 10.x:





