Forum Discussion
Nov 02, 2009Nimbostratus
iRule Optimization
I have recently run into a performance logjam with my load balancer, and I need help! Without commenting on the logic of doing things this way (we know it is not optimal and are working on a better long-term solution), I need to know how to optimize the following iRule. The datagroup "restricted_URL_datagroup" has over 14,000 entries in it, and all access to that data has to be blocked with a 404 error. I think what I need to do is just ignore the rule entirely if the request comes in from either or and dump out of the rule on the first match in "restricted_URL_datagroup" rather than processing the entire datagroup. Don't know if any of that it possible. Looking for any help/suggestions. Thanks!
set refer_host [string tolower [HTTP::header Referer]]
if { ( not ($refer_host contains "") ) and
( not ($refer_host contains "") ) and
( [matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::path]] contains $::restricted_URL_datagroup] ) } {
Block content
HTTP::respond 404 content ""
- The_BhattmanNimbostratusWell it's certainly possible to re-arrange it
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { (![string tolower [HTTP::header Referer]] contains "") and (![string tolower [HTTP::header Referer]] contains "") } { if { [matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::path]] contains $::restricted_URL_datagroup] ) } { HTTP::respond 404 content "" } } }
when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -global [string tolower [HTTP::header Referer]] { "*" - "*" { if { [matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::path]] contains $::restricted_URL_datagroup] ) } { HTTP::respond 404 content "" } } } }
- hooleylistCirrostratusThat looks about right, CB, but I think the logic would be if the Referer doesn't contain domain1 or domain2:
when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -global [string tolower [HTTP::header Referer]] { "*" - "*" { do nothing } default { if { [matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::path]] contains $::restricted_URL_datagroup] ) } { HTTP::respond 404 content "" } } } }
- The_BhattmanNimbostratusYou might want to replace your HTTP::path to URI::path to see if that makes a difference.
- OviShare_69630NimbostratusI changed my rule to use the switch statement, and it seems to have improved things. May 10% improvement....? Kinda hard to tell the true cause, but utilization was down roughly 10% over the last day.
- The_BhattmanNimbostratusIs there any entries in teh datagroup that you encounter more often then not. You can then pull that out and let process in a smaller datagroup versus a large one. It might help.
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