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Rusty_Tripp_798's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 14, 2012

iRule not working properly




I am using the iRule below but when I enter, I don't get redirected to



Any help would be greatly appreciated.






when HTTP_REQUEST { if {(([HTTP::uri] equals "/") or ([HTTP::uri] equals "/levi_b2b/"))} { HTTP::uri "/levi_b2b/" } elseif {[HTTP::uri] equals "/bd*"} { HTTP::uri "/bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp" } else { HTTP::redirect } }
  • im not sure you can actually use wildcards in an equals, so in
    {[HTTP::uri] equals "/bd*"}
    , what if you try it with contains or starts with?

    also it seems to forward you to something else then, but perhaps your script at /bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp does that?
  • e.g.



    [root@ve1023:Active] config b virtual bar list


    virtual bar {


    snat automap


    pool foo




    ip protocol 6


    rules myrule


    profiles {


    http {}


    tcp {}






    [root@ve1023:Active] config b rule myrule list


    rule myrule {


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if {([HTTP::uri] equals "/") or ([HTTP::uri] equals "/levi_b2b/")} {


    HTTP::uri "/levi_b2b/"


    } elseif {[HTTP::uri] equals "/bd"} {


    HTTP::redirect "/bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp"


    } else {


    HTTP::redirect ""









    [root@ve1023:Active] config curl -I


    HTTP/1.0 302 Found


    Location: /bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp


    Server: BigIP


    Connection: Keep-Alive


    Content-Length: 0



  • I've actually tried that way as well but ti didn't work. It seems to me that the iRules is being entered multiple times ( I see this using the LOG command ).



    Here is some information from the log file. All this occured from just one hit ( the first BD is just an indicator to which If statement I took:



    bd - uri = /bd


    bd - uri = /bd/


    bd - uri = /bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp


    bd - uri = /bd/


    bd - uri = /bd/


    bd - uri = /bd/


    bd - uri = /bd/




    Here is my latest effort as writing this iRule:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    switch [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {


    "/" { HTTP::uri "/levi_b2b/"}


    "/levi_b2b" { HTTP::uri "/levi_b2b/"}


    "/docs" { HTTP::uri "/docs/index.html"}


    "/bd" { HTTP::uri "/bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp"}


    default { HTTP::redirect "" }




  • can you try to remove the default case?


    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
    switch [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { 
    "/" { HTTP::uri "/levi_b2b/"} 
    "/levi_b2b" { HTTP::uri "/levi_b2b/"} 
    "/docs" { HTTP::uri "/docs/index.html"} 
    "/bd" { HTTP::uri "/bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp"} 
  • But I still need the switch to take the default so how do I make this happen if it makes the iRule not work?
  • Hi Rusty Tripp,

    You can use Wildcards inside of a switch statement to make things fit and act properly as well as set a default action if none of the conditions are met.

    I took your original iRule and converted. The "-" at the end of each qualifier tells the iRule that if it qualifies follow the same action as the NEXT item on the list, so in this example all of them will set the HTTP::uri value. If none of them qualify then you will be redirected.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
    "/" -
    "/levi_b2b/" -
    "/bd*" { HTTP::uri "/bd/public/frameset_top_html.jsp" }
    default { HTTP::redirect }

    Hope this helps.