Forum Discussion

martin1's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 08, 2020

iRule HSL logging question with user specified text

I wish to log via HSL a mesage that contains some repeatable text as well as some user generated text. so one of two ways to get text generated I can see. But I some issues with each method. #1: Use ...
  • Dario_Garrido's avatar
    Oct 20, 2020

    Hello Martin.

    With a request-logging profile you can set any kind of format in the template field.

    An example of CEF format:

    CEF:0|F5|MyEnv|1|sip=$CLIENT_IP sprt=$CLIENT_PORT snatip=$SNAT_IP snatprt=$SNAT_PORT dstip=$SERVER_IP dstprt=$SERVER_PORT dhost=$BIGIP_HOSTNAME apm=$X_APM

    Where 'X_APM can be configured injecting an HTTP header:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	HTTP::header replace X_APM [ACCESS::session data get]
    	HTTP::header remove X_APM


    In case you still want to use an iRule, you can get those parameters with:

    1) Hostname


    2) Time

    set curtime [clock seconds]
    set formattedtime [clock format $curtime]
    log "$curtime seconds since epoch, $formattedtime"

    Output: 1129552706 seconds since epoch, Mon Oct 17 07:38:26 CDT 2005

