how to specify partition in bigrest delete()?
Hi, in bigrest, the delete() method doesn't seem to have any way to specify partition.
I am following this example to delete & add an ssl client profile on a virtual server:
I have a path, like this:
delete_path = '/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/virtual-server-name/profiles/profile-name'
When I try to delete it, I get RestAPIError:
"message": "01020036:3: The requested virtual server profile (/Common/virtual-server-name /Common/profile-name) was not found."
This makes sense, because my virtual server is not in the Common partition. So how do I delete a profile from a virtual server that's not in the Common partition?
I found something here:
The short version is, use "~" characters to specify the partition.
delete_path = '/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~partition-name~virtual-server-name/profiles/profile-name'