Forum Discussion
iRule HSL logging question with user specified text
- Oct 20, 2020
Hello Martin.
With a request-logging profile you can set any kind of format in the template field.
An example of CEF format:
CEF:0|F5|MyEnv|1|sip=$CLIENT_IP sprt=$CLIENT_PORT snatip=$SNAT_IP snatprt=$SNAT_PORT dstip=$SERVER_IP dstprt=$SERVER_PORT dhost=$BIGIP_HOSTNAME apm=$X_APM
Where 'X_APM can be configured injecting an HTTP header:
when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::header replace X_APM [ACCESS::session data get] } when HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE { HTTP::header remove X_APM }
In case you still want to use an iRule, you can get those parameters with:
1) Hostname
2) Time
set curtime [clock seconds] set formattedtime [clock format $curtime] log "$curtime seconds since epoch, $formattedtime"
Output: 1129552706 seconds since epoch, Mon Oct 17 07:38:26 CDT 2005
Hello Martin.
It's better to use a request logging profile.
You can add extra variables injecting HTTP headers into the HTTP_REQUEST and referencing them with the same name of the header:
$BIGIP_HOSTNAME $Host ${X-Forwarded-For} ...
If you want to avoid sending those headers to the backend server, you can remove them again using this event:
- martin1Oct 19, 2020AltostratusThanks, Not sure that would work in this case. What I need to simulate is the CEF logging format and that is not available from a native profile format choice, plus the data I need to pass in (some arbitrary data). If in effect I am manually writing the CEF formatted message out by a number of profile objects/variables and as well a HTTP header variable(s) or two as data place holders I pretty much may as well just manually create the whole thing via HSL as I am currently. However some (most) of the data that I want is matched from data available in a logging profile, This I am currently getting it from TCL calls, Should they have too great a performance hit I may well see if your proposal would alleviate that. I also didn't know of (think of) using HTTP_REQUEST like that. Interesting and devious I will file that one away, thank you. Martyn Roberts Vodafone/IBM Venture Swindon ISC 07881846887
- Oct 20, 2020
Hello Martin.
With a request-logging profile you can set any kind of format in the template field.
An example of CEF format:
CEF:0|F5|MyEnv|1|sip=$CLIENT_IP sprt=$CLIENT_PORT snatip=$SNAT_IP snatprt=$SNAT_PORT dstip=$SERVER_IP dstprt=$SERVER_PORT dhost=$BIGIP_HOSTNAME apm=$X_APM
Where 'X_APM can be configured injecting an HTTP header:
when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::header replace X_APM [ACCESS::session data get] } when HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE { HTTP::header remove X_APM }
In case you still want to use an iRule, you can get those parameters with:
1) Hostname
2) Time
set curtime [clock seconds] set formattedtime [clock format $curtime] log "$curtime seconds since epoch, $formattedtime"
Output: 1129552706 seconds since epoch, Mon Oct 17 07:38:26 CDT 2005
- martin1Oct 20, 2020AltostratusDario, Sure but whether I write the CEF format out once as a template or once doesn't make much difference. I was more contrasting it against the in built native ability to log to CEF that exists fro mthe AFM and ASM modules. Why is using a template better than using an HSL handle in an iRule? Is it a CPU or RAM usage item? I am not familiar enough with F5s and potential iRule overhead to know (yet). At the moment my logging is of the form: set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool MAR-syslog] . . . set curtime [clock seconds] set formattedtime [clock format $curtime -format { %b %d %T } ] HSL::send $hsl "$formattedtime $static::tcl_platform(machine) CEF:0|F5|BIG-IP|$static::tcl_platform(osVersion)|URIiRule|URI Blocking|Low| msg=Returning from irule---no match on URI or IP found" Martyn Roberts Vodafone/IBM Venture Swindon ISC 07881846887
- Oct 20, 2020
Hello Martin.
Actually request-logging should have a better performance.
But any of both solutions are fine :-).
If this was helpful, I'll appreciate if you mark my answer as the best to help me for the contribution.
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