Forum Discussion
irule for DNS traffic
We have to setup a DNS pointer in F5 for our web. User need to get the IP as per the region they login, if the login IP from Japan , they should get nearest loc IP. Please help to get a valid irule , pls? i tried so much, but nothing working as expected
- Tomi_VojanNimbostratus
any help?
- Aswin_mkCumulonimbus
Hi ,
I have a irule and i already tested it my infra.
You have to configure Topology first in GTM(like below region(EMEA,NORTH_AMER,..)
please note - i mentioned "Body" in some "else if", it means you have to fill if-else ladder inside that "elseif" like elseif(with actual pool). Please configure proper pool with matching location.
here if active member in your pool is greater than 1 only it fill forward traffic to a VIP. So there will be no down time :)
#log local0. "- (Request) Client: [IP::client_addr] - Request: [DNS::rrname] - Type: [DNS::rrtype] - Topology: [whereis [IP::client_addr]]"
if { [matchregion [IP::client_addr] EMEA] } {
if { [active_members pool1 ] >= 1 }
{ pool pool1 }
elseif { [active_members pool2 ] >= 1 }
{ pool pool2 }
else { pool pool3 }
elseif { [matchregion [IP::client_addr] NORTH_AMER] } {
if { [active_members pool5 ] >= 1 }
{ pool pool5 }
elseif { [active_members pool6 ] >= 1 }
{ pool pool6 }
elseif { [active_members pool7 ] >= 1 }
{ pool pool7 }
else { pool pool8 }
elseif { [matchregion [IP::client_addr] SOUTH_AMER] } {
elseif { [matchregion [IP::client_addr] OCEANIA] } {
elseif { [matchregion [IP::client_addr] MIDDLE_EAST] } {
elseif { [matchregion [IP::client_addr] ASIA] } {
else {
- zamroni777Nacreous
you dont need irules for this purpose.
set the dns pool lb method to topology
then use topology config to set request from japan to prefered datacenter
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