Forum Discussion

Alex_Pintel's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 22, 2022

iRule exclude URI

I am fairly new to iRules so any help greately appreciated.

What is correct syntax to exclude URI "/abc/Web123/cde/forum123/ from receiving HTTP code 200 and the message "123456789"? Is the exclamation mark a orrect synatx to exclude URI?

Here is iRule

set http_path [ string tolower [HTTP::path]]
if { ! ($http_path starts_with "/abc/Web123/cde/forum123") } {
HTTP::respond 200 content "

Thank you for any assistamce you can provide.

6 Replies

    • Hi Alex_Pintel , 
      Could you please try this : 

      when HTTP_REQUEST {
      #set http_path [ string tolower [HTTP::path]]
      if { [HTTP::path] ne "/abc/Web123/cde/forum123" } {
      HTTP::respond 200 content "

      I tested it on my lab and it works well. 

  • Hello, if you're looking to exclude an exact match for a string, "ne" operator can be used as well.

    One thing I noticed -- since this is an exact match, be careful with "string tolower" syntax as it will convert everything to lowercase, so you will never see Web123 -- it's gonna be web123 instead. 

    I generally don't recommend converting paths to lowercase since it is case sensitive, try using this instead:  

    if { [HTTP::path] ne "/abc/Web123/cde/forum123" }{ ... } 


    • Alex_Pintel's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thank you all for responding to my post. I have another question.

      What would be right syntax if I need to use 2 URLs?

      if { [HTTP::path] ne "/abc/Web123/cde/forum123" OR "/abc/Web123/cde/forum456"

      Is the "OR" correct operator?

      Thank you! 

      • Amine_Kadimi's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        For the requested logic, you need the "and" operator between two tests:

        if { ([HTTP::path] ne "/abc/Web123/cde/forum123") and ([HTTP::path] ne "/abc/Web123/cde/forum456") } 

         If you plan to add more paths in the future, then consider using a switch test