iRule: Content Rewrite
I need to convert the following Apache code to the irule. Based on the 'context-root' /nosaml users should be redirected to the login page, but the irule doesnt seems to work keeps on going to saml authentication.
<Location /spacex/nosaml>
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "443"
RewriteEngine On
# remove /nosaml and add query parameter in place
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$
RewriteRule /3DSpace/nosaml(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/spacex$1?doSAML=false [P]
# we need to maintain any query string from web app, but append saml to existing query
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^&
RewriteRule /3DSpace/nosaml(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/spacex$1&doSAML=false [P]
set samlConditionalParam "doSAML"
# we only need to review incoming login requests to 3 dpassport
if {[string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/spacex/nosaml" && [HTTP::uri] contains "login" } {
# check query string to make sure it does not already include sam|ConditionalParam
# or if query string is absent (meaning request for direct access to 3dpassport service
if {{ [HTTP::query] != "" } && {[HTTP::query] contains $samlConditionalParam }} {
if{[string match "172.25.*" [IP::client_addr]]} {
HTTP::uri [НТТР::uri]?[HTTP::query]&$samlConditionalParam=false
# add sam|ConditionalParam to query string
log local0. "HTTP Method = [HTTP::method]"
log local0. "HTTP URI = [HTTP::uri]"
log local0. "HTTP Path = [HTTP::path]"
log local0. "HTTP Query = [HTTP::query]"
log local0. "HTTP Version = [HTTP::version]"
log local0. "HTTP Host Header = [HTTP::host]"
log local0. "HTTP User Agent Header = [HTTP::header value "user-agent"]"