Forum Discussion

Abhisar's avatar
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Jun 22, 2020

WAF - URL advance option - header based content profiles

Dear All,


We have WAF Policy with 600 + URLs with header based content profile - default action set to - apply value and content Signatures.


I want to change that default action to Form Data. So is there is fastest way to do that?


Please advise.


Thank You,


  • personally i would look into exporting the policy, looking at the code in the xml file and see if you can do a find and replace on that. if that isnt possible a script to make the change might be an option.

4 Replies

  • personally i would look into exporting the policy, looking at the code in the xml file and see if you can do a find and replace on that. if that isnt possible a script to make the change might be an option.

  • Hello Abhisar,


    What version of BIG-IP do you have?


    Starting version 13.0.0 you can update all needed URLs in ASM policy via sending next RESTAPI request to https://mgmt_ip/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/policy_id/urls?appendnested=1:

    PATCH /mgmt/tm/asm/policies/policy_id/urls?appendnested=1 HTTP/1.1

    Host: mgmt_ip

    Content-Type: application/json



      "urlContentProfiles": [


          "headerValue": "*",

          "headerName": "*",

          "headerOrder": "default",

          "type": "form-data"





    Pay attention that appendnested=1 QS parameter is needed in this case, because without it all other (not default) header based content profiles will be deleted.

    Also, you can use additional $filter= QS parameter to filter out all needed URLs


    Thanks, Ivan

  • Thank you Ivan, I would love to try this.

    For time beging I exported the policy and changed config and imported again.