Forum Discussion

Geoff_Gudgeon_3's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 02, 2017

IP Reputation and iRule


Was wondering if I could get some advice on the following iRule that I plan to use to check incoming connections to public facing Virtual Servers. I have confirmed that the F5 in question is getting regular updates from BrightCloud so I want to utilise this local database to check connections coming in to the F5 Virtual Servers.

This code attached was lifted and adjusted a little from an existing F5 article


set ip_reputation_categories [IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]] 
set is_reject 0 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Windows Exploits")} {
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Web Attacks")} { 
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Botnets")} { 
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Scanners")} { 
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Denial of Service")} { 
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Infected Sources")} { 
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Phishing")} { 
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($ip_reputation_categories contains "Proxy")} { 
set is_reject 1 } 
if {($is_reject)} { 
log local0. "Attempted access from malicious IP address [IP::client_addr] ($ip_reputation_categories), request was rejected" HTTP::respond 200 content "Rejected Request The request was rejected. 
 Attempted access from malicious IP address" } }


Also just wondering what sort of load this would likely put on the F5 (Viprion 2400) and if there would be any significant performance decrease from dong this.


  • Its your call but I wouldn't bother with a pretty response cause frankly their not worth the effort or the CPU. My version of this is below.


     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED {     
       if {[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]] ne ""} {       


  • Its your call but I wouldn't bother with a pretty response cause frankly their not worth the effort or the CPU. My version of this is below.


     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED {     
       if {[IP::reputation [IP::client_addr]] ne ""} {       


    • Kevin_Davies_40's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      Add a log statement if you want to see whats being rejected and why but otherwise thats what I would use. Just be mindful even a log statement can open you up to denial of service.. what happens of they send you a 100,000 requests in a minute.. how would your BIG-IP cope with a 100,000 log entries?