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Nick_112992's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 16, 2011

Install error :The DataSource and ConditionDetection modules required

I tried several times to install the F5 managment pack and I get the following error.



<02-16-2011 10:47:34> Info: Verifying the DataSource and ConditionDetection modules required for the F5 Monitoring Service to run are loaded by Operations Manager monitoring host.


<02-16-2011 10:49:46> FatalError: The DataSource and ConditionDetection modules required for the F5 Monitoring Service to run could not be loaded by Operations Manager monitoring host. Check the Operations Manager Event Log for errors and manually start the F5 Monitoring Service once any issues have been resolved.



The account I am using has domain and sql admin permissions. The RMS and SQL (2008) are on seperate servers. The F5 database installs as well as the managment pack. Your help will greatly appreciated.









  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Nick,



    The Operations Manager event log and possibly the F5 Monitoring Log (in the Event Viewer) would tell us more about the error. If you zip and send them to managementpack(at)f5(dot)com, we can take a look and hopefully find the root cause of the problem. Usually when this type of error occurs, privileges involved around reading / writing SQL, registry, etc. data are not sufficient and I would probably start looking into the SCOM action profiles involved in data source I/O:



    1. "Default Action Account" profile: SCOM Management Console >> Administration >> Run As Configuration >> Profiles >> Default Action Account >> Properties >> Run As Accounts and make sure the action account specified there has enough privileges. The "Local System Action Account" should probably be appropriate. If it's a different action account, you'll have to check the privileges in the Run As Configuration >> Accounts section.



    2. "Operational Database Account". Make sure the underlying action account has enough privileges on the OperationsManager SQL database. By default, if no action account is specified for this profile, the SCOM SDK service account is used.



    You also mentioned that the SQL Server is off-box from the RMS. I would run the sp_who2 (system stored procedure), using the SQL Server Management Studio, to find who's trying to access the Operations Manager database. Look for the relevant HostName, DBName (OperationsManager) and Login fields in the output. Normally you should be seeing the SCOM SDK service account and possibly the RMS local system account trying to access data. Unless there are other (non-default) mappings for the SCOM action accounts mentioned above (in 1 and 2). Make sure read-write privileges on the SQL data are in place for these accounts in the Operations Manager SQL database.





    (F5 Management Pack)


  • Hello Julian,



    Thanks for your help. The action account is the local system account and operation database account is SCOM SDK account. The SDK account has admin permission to SQL server and SQL database.



    This is the only error in the F5 event log.



    Unable to connect to data source: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host RMS could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. : RMS Detailed Exception Information: F5Networks.F5Exception: Unable to connect to data source: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host RMS could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. : RMS ---> F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionFailedException: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host RMS could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. : RMS ---> System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. Server stack trace: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcPort.Connect(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel, Int32 timeout) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.ConnectionCache.GetConnection(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel level, Int32 timeout) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BinaryClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg) Exception rethrown at [0]: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type) at F5Networks.Remoting.ServerBase.get_HostProcess() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.OperationsManager.DataSource.DataSourceConnector`2.Connect() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.OperationsManager.DataSource.DataSourceConnector`2.Connect() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.OperationsManager.DataSource.ManagedDataSourceConnection`3.CoreConnect() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ManagedConnectionBase`1._DoConnectWithRecovery() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ManagedConnectionBase`1.Connect() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionPoolBase`2._CreatePoolMember() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionPoolBase`2._InitializeCache() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionPoolBase`2.Initialize(UInt32 initialOperationSize) at F5Networks.ManagementPack.Services.DeviceMonitor._CreateDataSourceConnection() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.Services.DeviceMonitor._InitializeDataStore() --- End of inner exception stack trace ---






  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Thank you for the update Nick. Can you confirm that the account running the F5 Monitoring Service has the "Operations Manager Administrators" role? You can check this in the SCOM Management Console :: Administration :: Run As Configuration :: Security :: User Roles :: Operations Manager Administrators, where the User Role Members should include either a group that this service account is part of, or the service account itself.



    If your account is an Operations Manager Admin and you get this error, please archive the F5 Monitoring Log and the Operations Manager event log and send them to managementpack(at)f5(dot)com.



    Thank you.


  • Hello Julian,



    I sent you an email of my logs. Let me know if you recieved them.








  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    I got the logs Nick. I'll get back to you as soon as we have a plan for the next steps in troubleshooting.



    Thank you for your patience!


  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Nick,



    It looks like you have a distributed management server environment with SCOM and I believe you have installed the F5 Management Pack only on one of the management servers within the SCOM management group. Correct me if I'm wrong. In a SCOM distributed management server environment you always have to install the F5 Management Pack first on the RMS. This would ensure that the F5 MP data sources are installed on the RMS. By default the F5 Monitoring Service will be disabled on the RMS, according to Microsoft's best practices on delegating health state monitoring activity to the management servers.



    Do you actually see the "F5 Networks" management pack installed if you browse the "Administration" section of the SCOM management console?





  • Hello Julian,



    That is correct I have 1 RMS server and 2 MS servers. I only installed the F5 managment pack on the RMS and I do see the managment pack installed in the SCOM console.







  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    It looks like you're running a fairly old version of the F5 Management Pack (v2.0.0). Would you mind upgrading to the latest one (v2.1.5.440) here:




    It will be a lot easier for us to troubleshoot the issue, plus there were so many improvements and hotfixes included since v2.0.0 that upgrading would definitely be worthwhile.


    If you choose to upgrade or reinstall, please do so by starting on the RMS first. Let us know how it goes.



    Thank you!


  • Hey guys, for what it is worth, we had the very same issues as above (and in multiple other posts) but nothing seemed to solve the problem. We finally found that Discovery in OpsMgr wasn't working either for a new server we had to add. Fixing that problem also resolved our F5 Mgmt. Pack error (the same one as in the top post).



    Problem: SQL Server Broker Service is disabled on the OperationsManager database. Once we re-enabled that, F5 mgmt. pack ran fine!