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M_Petr's avatar
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Sep 11, 2019

Insert JavaScript only if memberOF equal some value

Hi, everyone.

I have one virtual server, one pool.

My APM with Login + AD auth + AD Query (expr { [mcget {}] contains "CN=Group1" }).

I must :

If I have a match with a specific group (Group1), then I insert the JavaScript to HTTP Response;

if there are no matches only HTTP Response.

How can I do this?


  • Hi Petr.

    a) So first of you have to be sure that your session is not in progress... it will be success (value == allowed).

    b) in ordre to inject easly your javascript follow my procedure:

    - create a file with your js (myjs.js)

    - Upload it on F5 (Access ›› Webtops : Hosted Content : Manage Files) and attached it to your VS / Policy.

    - On your VPE set a value in order to validate if user is in the right configuration:


    if { [mcget "session.ldap.last.memberOf"] contains "right_GRP") } { return "1" } else { return "0" }

    - Then you have to rewrite the content response using stream profile (of course you have to set a default stream profil in your vs)

    I set you an example of rewriting but you have to adapt stream expression...

    Hope it's clear for you, I don't tested this Irule and I think you have to adapt this irule.

    this Irule (and this way of doing) is going to give you the big lines to follow ...

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    set session 0
    if {[ACCESS::session exists -sid $apm_cookie] and [ACCESS::session data get -sid $apm_cookie session.policy.result] == "allowed" }{
    	set session 1
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
    set grp [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.custom.grp"]
    if {$grp} {
      if { ([HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text") } {
        log local0. "rewrite"
        STREAM::expression {@src="script/modernizr.js"></script>@src="script/modernizr.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/public/share/yourjs.js"></script>@ @<body>@<body onLoad="senjson()">@}


  • Hi Petr.

    a) So first of you have to be sure that your session is not in progress... it will be success (value == allowed).

    b) in ordre to inject easly your javascript follow my procedure:

    - create a file with your js (myjs.js)

    - Upload it on F5 (Access ›› Webtops : Hosted Content : Manage Files) and attached it to your VS / Policy.

    - On your VPE set a value in order to validate if user is in the right configuration:


    if { [mcget "session.ldap.last.memberOf"] contains "right_GRP") } { return "1" } else { return "0" }

    - Then you have to rewrite the content response using stream profile (of course you have to set a default stream profil in your vs)

    I set you an example of rewriting but you have to adapt stream expression...

    Hope it's clear for you, I don't tested this Irule and I think you have to adapt this irule.

    this Irule (and this way of doing) is going to give you the big lines to follow ...

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    set session 0
    if {[ACCESS::session exists -sid $apm_cookie] and [ACCESS::session data get -sid $apm_cookie session.policy.result] == "allowed" }{
    	set session 1
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
    set grp [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.custom.grp"]
    if {$grp} {
      if { ([HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text") } {
        log local0. "rewrite"
        STREAM::expression {@src="script/modernizr.js"></script>@src="script/modernizr.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/public/share/yourjs.js"></script>@ @<body>@<body onLoad="senjson()">@}
