Forum Discussion

ERLomboy_27803's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 11, 2017

Inquiry on Priority Group Activation

Have an inquiry regarding setting up of PGA.


For a pool with four members. Each pool member has their priority set to 20, 20, 10, 10 respectively and all are active. if the PGA option is 'Disabled', will the priority setting on these members get considered by F5? Meaning, F5 will only use the two members with higher priority or it will disregard the member setting use all four for its load balancing?




4 Replies

  • Dear,


    In order to activate the Priority Group, the settings has to be enabled and you need to select less than from the list which represents the minimum number of members that must be available in one priority group before the system directs the traffic to members in lower priority group. When sufficient number of members become available in the higher priority, the system again directs traffic to the higher priority group. So in short, the answer for your question is Yes, PGA should be enabled... If not enabled, system will send tha traffic to all the four members.






  • eben's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    It will disregard because you have not enabled PGA.


  • Sure it's disregard. Just for my information what's is the goal of set priority and don't set PGA ?