Forum Discussion

Tokyo_Alex_3213's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 13, 2017

Incremental Sync Cache Size clearing

Hello everyone,


Does someone know when this cache is being cleared ?


I did incremental sync twice with just 10 minutes between each, and the second time "failed". I was wondering if the cache wasn't still populated by the 1st sync when the 2nd one started, switching from incremental to full-load sync


  • The system just look the size of cache that holds the new configuration, if it is above the value you sent in "maximum Incremental Sync size" it will do a full sync. At the end of a successful sync, it should just clear the cache and start over.


    Look the ltm logs /var/log/ltm you can see the reason for the failure. Probably you just started to sync when a sync was already in process.