Forum Discussion

DMA_95966's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 14, 2012

Inactive node taking traffic

Hello All,



I have one VIP setup in which i can see node is down , but it still taking traffic. As i know e default behavior of F5 HLB, when it detects that a node is down, is to route new requests to a known good node and let existing sessions continue to go to the known bad node . So Is there any way that to stop the traffic immediately. Is any irule or any specific setting that i can apply for desired result ?




Thanks, Deepak
  • can you try LB::status and reject command?



    LB:status wiki





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Another option is to set the 'action on service down' pool setting to 'reject' so TMM will send a TCP reset when the pool member is marked down by a monitor.



  • Hello Hoolio,



    thanks for the reply.



    could you please explain ? Do I need to create irule for this .
  • Issue: VIPs no longer passing external public IPs to servers



    I have vip setup , and using tool we are monitoring public ips form which traffic is coming to server. Since few days its stop working .I took tcpdumo using server ip and using tool I found that its showing only one ip form which traffic is coming to server. when I checked for that ip , I can see that ip is configured as snat. Any idea about this ?
  • Issue: VIPs no longer passing external public IPs to servers



    I have vip setup , and using tool we are monitoring public ips form which traffic is coming to server. Since few days its stop working .I took tcpdumo using server ip and using tool I found that its showing only one ip form which traffic is coming to server. when I checked for that ip , I can see that ip is configured as snat. Any idea about this ?