"Illegal reference" when attempting to upgrade F5OS to V1.1 on a R5900 platform
I have a brand new R5900 coming with F5OS V.1.0 When attempting to upgrade it to V1.1 by selecting the 1.1 OS & Version, a popup window with the legend "Illegal reference." comes up.
I typed the "upload" button twice or 3 times, causing thereby a failure in the upload process and probably a corrupted image in the file system. This is exactly the same problem reported in https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K58134586 " "Error when trying to upgrade from GUI: Server Error -- Illegal reference". But the solutions posted there do not work for me.
The command "show system image" shows the image 1.1.0-7645 as "ready". But the command "show system image install" returns "in-progress" indefinitely:
show system image install
system image install install-status in-progress <-- "in progress" status gets stuck indefinitely.
If i try to remove the new image with the command "system image remove os _1.1.0-7645, the device returns:
Error: error image _1.1.0-7645: unexpected response back from API
Re-uploading the image, or rebooting the platform do not overcome the issue.
Is there a way to purge the new image straight on file system?