Jul 01, 2024Altocumulus
I cannot activate the license on BIG-IP-NEXT
Hello everyone, I have a BIG-IP Central Manager virtual server on Vmware and set up a BIG-IP Instance . My system does not connect directly via the internet but points through a Proxy. When I activate the license with New Token according to the instructions https://clouddocs.f5.com/bigip-next/latest/use_cm/cm_license_bigip_next.html, then The following message appears: Licensing-0013: Unable to get F5 signed certificates post "https://product.apis.f5.com/ee/v1/certigicates" dial tcp: lookup product api.f5.com on 100.75. 0.10:53 server misbehaving.
Please can anyone tell me the cause and how to fix it. Thank you very much. JRahm