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Saul_Andres_Riv's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jan 14, 2021

HTTPS health monitor with POST TMOS 13

Hello. I am trying to configure the following POST monitor but it is not working.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  • Saul_Andres_Riv's avatar
    Feb 15, 2021


    Thanks for your help.

    It was not necessary to apply an external monitor (which I was concerned about a reported vulnerability)


    With F5 Support, the following could be validated:


    "HTTP monitors with POST typically fail when the Content-Length header is incorrect, which makes the receiving side parser out of sync with the sender - I can see a hint of why it was miscounted.

    The command line:

    -H Content-Type: 'application/xml;charset=ISO8859-1' -d '<TCFX> <HeaderRq TRNUID=....

    Indicates the post data (-d) is starting directly with the < character, however, in the configuration, and in the logs, there's still an extra space:

    Content-Type: application/xml;charset=ISO8859-1\


     <TCFX> <HeaderRq ...


    This space is also visible in the logs:

    [0][13255] 2021-01-14 10:29:33.071367: ID 1151 :(_send_active_service_ping): writing ....xml; charset=ISO8859-1\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a <TCFX> <He


    The (successful) POST seem to be indeed 431 bytes long, however, the monitor as configured seem to contain an additional space making the body 432 bytes long"



    So, I just removed the extra space before <TCFX> and it worked