Forum Discussion

gasch_297596's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 01, 2016

HTTP to HTTPS redirect over the same port



i hope you can help me. I need an http to https redirect to the same port. For example I enter the URL and I want to get redirected to I tried a second virtual server but this didn't work because the loadbalancer can't have two the same IP and ports for a second server which redirects it with an irule to the https virtual Server which is understandable.


Thank you already and best regards!


  • Hello,

    we found the solution for the Problem. A few years ago a person had the same problem:

    So you just have to use the iRule:

        set https 0 
        set https 1 
     when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if {not ($https)}{ 
           HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] 

    And to activate non-SSL in your SSL Profile under Local Traffic -> Profiles -> SSL -> Client -> (Profile you are using)

    After that you are able to set the iRule on your SSL virtual server.

  • Where are you terminating the SSL - on F5 or servers ?


    I am not sure if you know this but you can have a set up like this: VS:80 VS:443


    Both VS can then be attached to a common pool with pool members listening on port 25001 and you can have HTTP to HTTPS redirect iRule on VS:80