Forum Discussion

jmelosegui_3199's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 22, 2017

HTTP_REQUEST not firing

I have created the following silly rule.

  log local0. "This is the host uri: [HTTP::uri]"

All I want is that on every request log the uri and then bypass the LB and forward the request to a node.

After requesting the VS the log is not updated with my entry, nor the request is redirected to the node.

Is this something achievable. I was following this sample.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • The Issue was that I must have at least one member of the pool associated with the Virtual Server enable. That is not the case when I use CLIENT_ACCEPTED event type where the even will trigger regardless if I have all the pool members disabled or not.


  • P_K's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Try adding port to your node and see if that works.


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    log local0. "This is the host uri: [HTTP::uri]"


    node XXXX -->port number




  • The Issue was that I must have at least one member of the pool associated with the Virtual Server enable. That is not the case when I use CLIENT_ACCEPTED event type where the even will trigger regardless if I have all the pool members disabled or not.


  • Hi,


    That is quite easy to explain. If you have no pool members then HTTP_REQUEST never fires. CLIENT_ACCEPTED fires independent from VS being able to process any HTTP traffic.

