Jul 18, 2012Nimbostratus
How to use specific page to monitor HTTPS pool in LTM?
Hi Guys,
I'm currently having issue on monitoring https pool in LTM by calling certain aspx page on the pool memebers. Bascially I have a monitor.aspx page installed on all 3 webservers. And I have a http pool(port80) and https pool(port 443) contains these 3 server memebers. on http pool, I'm using http monitor by sending GET string to call this monitor.aspx page and receiving 'serverisup' string to keep the server up in my pool. But in HTTPS pool, when I'm trying to use the same way to monitor it, it doesn't work. All memebers went offline immediately once I apply the monitor to it. I have changed the monitor type from http to https but still the same.
anyone has encoutered the same issue as I did?
Sincerely Thanks