Forum Discussion

SMilanic's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Apr 18, 2016

How to read "Subject Key Identifier" value form a digital certificate



I am looking for a way to:


1) read "Subject Key Identifier" value form a digital certificate with an iRule (something like X509::subject [SSL::cert 0])


2) insert this value into a HTTP header inside the same iRule.


While there are many examples available about inserting HTTP headers, I did not find a way how to read "Subject Key Identifier" from a certificate.


Help appreciated!


Best regards, Srecko


  • With some help from F5, we were to solve this using APM and the following command in an iRule: "set SKI_Hex [findstr [ACCESS::session data get session.ssl.cert.x509extension] "Subject Key Identifier" 33 "X509v3"]"


    This reads the contents of the SKI extension field from a certificate into "SKI_Hex". You can then insert it into a HTTP header as described in other posts.


  • Is this helpful?



    • Chris_Grant's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      The irule in this link should help you accomplish what you need to accomplish.