Forum Discussion
how to display maintenance banner via LTM policy
Can you provide the output for the Virtual Server object? Also, what URL are you testing with in the web browser?
Hi ,
I found the issue. There are two irule applied on VIP. First irule mainentance page and second irule to set same site cookie as none .
In Packet capture i saw irule exceution error. First irule for mainentance page when http request is matching and it is responding to 200 with maintenece page.
when second irule is exceuting, it is the http response release to set same site cookie as none as first irule is already executed with response. It is failing.
For testing i have removed second irule(same site cookie), it is working.
Just want to know if below same site irule is feasible via LTM policy or other solution.
same site irule-
set cookie_names [HTTP::cookie names]
foreach a_cookie $cookie_names
if {not [HTTP::cookie attribute $a_cookie exists {SameSite}] }
{HTTP::cookie attribute $a_cookie insert "SameSite" "None"}
- M_SaeedNov 12, 2023
Regarding LTM policies, They may not have the same level of granularity in event triggers as iRules, which can be triggered at various stages of traffic processing. You may need to stick with iRule in your case.
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