Easter Egg: BIG-IP Advisory Banner

Let's take a minute and step away from the technical stuff and look at something a little more entertaining.

In 11.6 a GUI enhancement was added to display an Advisory Bar at the top and bottom panes of the GUI.

Now I am not talking about the Security Banner that everyone is familiar with.


But something that is useful everyday of the week when managing multiple environments.

As you can see here, there is an orange bar displayed at the top and bottom of the screen.

Configure Advisory Banner using the GUI

To access this feature in 11.6 navigate to System > Preferences  and scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see an Advisory Section.

Configure Advisory Banner using TMSH

Use the following TMSH syntax to access enable this feature on 11.1 and later

tmsh  modify sys db ui.advisory.color { value “<red|orange|yellow|green>” }

tmsh modify sys db ui.advisory.text { value  "TEXT GOES HERE" }

## This command was added in 11.6

tmsh modify sys db ui.advisory.enabled { value "true" }

Published Oct 05, 2015
Version 1.0
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    This is really cool. We were asking for this for a while, so it's great to see the addition!
  • Hello all,


    I activated UI Advisory banner using commands on LTM v11.5.2


    I'd like to remove it completely, so how should I do it?




  • tmsh modify sys db ui.advisory.enabled { value "true" } isn't working since we are in 11.5.2v


  • the right command is :

     modify sys db ui.advisory.text value ""

    just in case someone comes here 🙂

  • In case you want to check via iControl REST:

    curl -svk -u admin:admin "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/db?options=ui.advisory.*&\$select=name,value,valueRange,defaultValue" | python -m json.tool
        "items": [
                "defaultValue": "green",
                "name": "ui.advisory.color",
                "value": "red",
                "valueRange": "blue green orange red"
                "defaultValue": "false",
                "name": "ui.advisory.enabled",
                "value": "true",
                "valueRange": "false true"
                "defaultValue": "This is a system advisory message.",
                "name": "ui.advisory.text",
                "value": "The system must be configured via iControl REST API only!",
                "valueRange": "string"
        "kind": "tm:sys:db:dbcollectionstate",
        "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/db?$select=name%2Cvalue%2CvalueRange%2CdefaultValue&options=ui.advisory.*&ver="

    To modify a property you may use i.e. the following:

    curl -svk -u admin:admin "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/db/ui.advisory.color" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PATCH -d '{"value": "blue"}'  | python -m json.tool