Forum Discussion

Sayali's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Mar 24, 2020

How to allow F5 to do basic routing and allow out of order syn-acks



I am pretty new to F5 Load balancers so this might be a very simple question.


I have below setup:


Client --- > LB (VIP) ---> Servers.

  • I am not SNATing so the LB retains source IP when sending traffic to the servers.
  • But, to ensure that return traffic traverses via LB, I have added a static route on my servers (just for my client IP) to go via LB's interface self IP (IP in the subnet of my nodes/servers).


When I access VIP with this setting, I am not able to load the page completely - which I believe might be something in our application.


But, even if I access the node directly (with static route on servers), LB seems to drop the return traffic. I see SYN-ACKs being RST. (It does not see the SYNs because it probably follows different path).

I have Forwarding IP Virtual server (With FastL4) allowing on all VLANs for any source and any destination.

I am running 15.1.0 version.

Verified that F5 can ping client IP and back-end nodes.. so it knows how to reach back the client.


Any ideas why F5 would block out of order SYN-ACKs? Is there any other obvious configuration that I missed?



  • Create a new fastL4 profile based on the default called fastl4_loose and select loose init and loose close. Disable reset on timeout. Apply it to your virtual server

  • Create a new fastL4 profile based on the default called fastl4_loose and select loose init and loose close. Disable reset on timeout. Apply it to your virtual server

    • Sayali's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Pete.. this seems to have worked. With a Forwarding-Rule virt along with settings you specified, LB no longer resets out of order syn-acks.

      Thanks a lot.

  • You might also need an outbound SNAT configured to SNAT the traffic back to the VIP.

  • Yeah.. unfortunately we have a requirement to not use SNATs and retains the source IPs. But, thanks for your help.