Forum Discussion
How retrieve CSR (format PEM) via REST v14.0.0.1
Hi everyone,
It's that possible get the CSR via REST?
With SOAP "certificate_request_export_to_pem" it's possible get the CSR from F5.
With REST, we can only check the contents and the location in sourcePath.
Can you help?
Sorry for the delay. You can import any files with the below option, It will land in
/var/config/rest/downloads location
curl -kv -u admin:admin -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "Content-Range: 0-1023/1024" --data-binary "@testupload.crt" https://hostname/mgmt/shared/file-transfer/uploads/testupload.crt
For more details, you can articles -
Hope it helps/
There is no native rest call to get this from my understanding,,, you can instead call the tmsh command and run it,
curl -sk -u 'username:password' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://hostname/mgmt/tm/util/bash -d "{\"command\":\"run\",\"utilCmdArgs\":\"-c 'tmsh list sys crypto csr example.csr'\"}"
Hope this helps.
- MauroNunes
You can mark the answer as solution provided if it really helps.
- MauroNunes
Thanks you very much! It really helps
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