How can I configure Server SSL Profiles to connect to different URLs on the same server?
We have a web server which has two sites published on it via a single Virtual Server on the BIG-IP:
Our security policy dictates that we must encrypt the connections between the user and the BIG-IP and between the BIG-IP and the web server.
We initially purchased a SAN certificate with and on it ( is the default name). We have tried various methods of getting the end to end connectivity working with a user connecting using both URLs but all have failed.
Can anyone provide any guidance on how to achieve this?
We had the same issue we had a single vip which teminated SSL at the LTM level but had to make two backend SSL connections to an HA-Proxy server so HA-Proxy would need to see the SSL call to a specific cert name. As you mentioned we created two separate Server SSL profiles each with differetn SNI and set one profile as default. No matter what we did the LTM only used the default profile SNI and ignored the secondary Server Profile's SNI when making the ltm to backend server SSL connection. Even in packet caputure we can see that it was only using default server's SNI only (we are running LTM 11.5.1. HF8). So that lead us to believe even though you can assign multiple server profiles with differetn SNI names, the LTM only uses the profile set as the default SNI and ignores the other profiles.
Our fix to this was to create a second VIP, map to the same backend servers and assign each vip with its own SNI profile. This is not an ideal setup if you are calling multiple certs or if you can't used multiple vips. But it worked for us and we didn't bother opening a case with F5 as I think you can not use multi-SNI calls on server side SSL calls.