35 TopicsQuestion on configuring SNI clientSSL Profile
Hi Experts , I have a question on configuring the SNI SSL profile .Suppose say I have 3 different certificate and 3 SSL profile to be attached to the VIP to configure SNI . ClientSSL1 > Default SSL Profile for SNI ClientSSL2 ClientSSL3 To enable SNI, we configure the Server Name and Default SSL Profile for SNI will be checked on an SSL profile of ClientSSL1, and then assign the profile to a virtual server. How about on other 2 SSL profiles ClientSSL2 & ClientSSL3 ? For other SSL profiles do I need to type the name for the HTTPS site in the Server Name box ? or it can be left blank ?35Views0likes1CommentTCP::collect and large TLS v1.3 client hello packets
Is anyone using iRules successfully to parse SNI names from the new TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber client hello packets? The problem is the these packets are larger than MTU(?) size, around ~1800 bytes. Normal hello packets are ~500 bytes. I'm using TCP profile for which iRule parses SNI name to pass the connection as is to correct destination pool. How to reproduce: when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # [TCP::payload length] shows only 1352, rest of packet missing, CLIENT_DATA is never called again } It only ever gets the first ~1352 bytes from packet, CLIENT_DATA is only called once, seems there is no way to get rest of the packet. If I add argument to collect length >1500 with "TCP::collect 1600", then it will read the whole ~1800 byte packet in first CLIENT_DATA. But this will break all connections that send normal small ~500 byte hello packets, as it just keeps on waiting for data indefinitely. Is there any workaround? BIG-IP version V 124+ on MacOS - Virtual Server Access Issue
(editors note: this is not just MacOS - appears to be all Chrome browsers regardless of OS) It appears that the latest version of Google Chrome (version 124) on MacOS (ed. any OS) has broken the above code. With debugging turned on, we get this when a MacOS client accesses a virtual server with this rule: No SSL/TLS protocol detected ; connection is rejected (0x0000) Can anyone else confirm this? Any idea how to fix it? Stanislas_Piro2 ---- (Editors Note: This forum post was created via a comment on the OG Article written by Eric_Chen here: How to use SNI Routing with BIG-IP. That article contains 'the above code' and 'the rule' referenced here)Solved820Views2likes25CommentsAPM :: Portal Access Lists :: SNI & HTTP
I'm trying to create a Portal Access List with a few web resources, and one of the links does not work because it is an Apache server that is validating that the SNI and HTTP hostname match. The problem is, that when the user logs into APM and launches the web link, they are launching a request to the APM and not the backend server... therefore the SNI is for APM and does not match the HTTP hostname in the header (which is specified in the Portal Access link via Application URI). [ssl:error] [pid 11111] AH02032: Hostname provided via SNI and hostname provided via HTTP are different From what I've read, this cannot be disabled on the Apache server without removing SNI and recompiling... which is not an option for me. However this F5 use-case seems like it would be fairly common, so I'm not sure what I'm missing here. Anybody have any thoughts? Thanks-475Views0likes1CommentBIG-IP DNS SNI monitoring
We are trying to get a SNI monitor to work on a BIG-IP DNS to a generic host. Using the external ADFS monitors the checks fail. When running a CURL to the destination servers we receive Unknown SSL protocol error in connection while a openssl test returns the cert and the CN we are grepping for but the moniotr still fails. We have tried with the standard ADFS external monitor provided by F5 along with the amended version for TLS1.1 and above. Also tried another custom one from Devcentral. Can anyone provide any pointers in how we could get this to work? Monitor 1: !/bin/sh These arguments supplied automatically for all external monitors: $1 = IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn notation) $2 = port (decimal, host byte order) This script expects the following Name/Value pairs: HOST = the host name of the SNI-enabled site URI = the URI to request RECV = the expected response Remove IPv6/IPv4 compatibility prefix (LTM passes addresses in IPv6 format) NODE= echo ${1} | sed 's/::ffff://' if [[ $NODE =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then NODE=${NODE} else NODE=[${NODE}] fi PORT=${2} PIDFILE="/var/run/ basename ${0} .sni_monitor_${HOST}_${PORT}_${NODE}.pid" if [ -f $PIDFILE ] then echo "EAV exceeded runtime needed to kill ${HOST}:${PORT}:${NODE}" | logger -p local0.error kill -9 cat $PIDFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "$$" > $PIDFILE (echo -e "GET $URI HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $HOST\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"; sleep 2) | openssl s_client -cipher 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA' -servername '$HOST' STATUS=$? rm -f $PIDFILE if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ] then echo "UP" fi exit Monitor 2 !/bin/sh These arguments supplied automatically for all external monitors: $1 = IP (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn notation) $2 = port (decimal, host byte order) This script expects the following Name/Value pairs: HOST = the host name of the SNI-enabled site URI = the URI to request RECV = the expected response Remove IPv6/IPv4 compatibility prefix (LTM passes addresses in IPv6 format) NODE= echo ${1} | sed 's/::ffff://' if [[ $NODE =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then NODE=${NODE} else NODE=[${NODE}] fi PORT=${2} PIDFILE="/var/run/ basename ${0} .sni_monitor_${HOST}_${PORT}_${NODE}.pid" if [ -f $PIDFILE ] then echo "EAV exceeded runtime needed to kill ${HOST}:${PORT}:${NODE}" | logger -p local0.error kill -9 cat $PIDFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "$$" > $PIDFILE curl-apd -k -i --resolve $HOST:$PORT:$NODE https://$HOST$URI | grep -i "${RECV}" > /dev/null 2>&1 STATUS=$? rm -f $PIDFILE if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ] then echo "UP" fi exit Monitor 3 !/bin/bash pidfile="/var/run/$MONITOR_NAME.$1..$" if [ -f $pidfile ] then kill -9 - cat $pidfile > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "$$" > $pidfile node_ip= echo $1 |sed 's/::ffff://' node_port=$2 getscript () { echo 'GET / HTTP/1.1' echo 'Host: ..*.com' echo '' while sleep 0; do echo 'quit\n' done } docurl () { IFS=$'\n' arr=($(getscript | openssl s_client -connect ...:443 -servername 2>/dev/nul |grep -E unset IFS } docurl echo ${arr[0]} if [ -n "${arr[0]}" ] then Remove the pidfile before the script echoes anything to stdout and is killed by bigd rm -f $pidfile echo "up" fi Remove the pidfile before the script ends rm -f $pidfile389Views0likes0CommentsSelected client SSL does not match security policies for VS after cipher update
Hi, I'm trying to update ciphers on one of my profiles. The one I want to use is: !LOW:!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!MD5:!RC4+SHA:!EXPORT:!DHE:ECDHE+AES-GCM:ECDHE+AES:AES+SHA+RSA:@STRENGTH This works fine on another VS, but an attemtp of installing it on this one results in this error: 0107157c:3: Selected client SSL profiles do not match security policies for Virtual Server /EXTERNAL/vs_server_443. Now the OK and NOK vs are a bit different, but I can't figure out which portion of the config can be responsible for this error. Let me summarize the differences: vs_NOK_443 Protocol Profile (Client): prot_tcp_client_name_WAN (based on tcp_wan_optimized) Protocol Profile (Server): prot_tcp_client_name_LAN (based on tcp-lan-optimized) HTTP Profile: http_xff vs_OK_https Protocol Profile (Client): tcp Protocol Profile (Server): (use Client Profile) HTTP Profile: http_xff_redir-rewrite Now i do not see any difference between http-xff and http-xff_redir_rewrite is that the latter uses a Server Agent Name Both server have two client ssl profiles and the profile in question is marked as the default profile for SNI.425Views0likes1CommentClient SSL profiles using SNI not able to use the subject alternative name
We have a clientssl profile using a * wildcard SSL certificate. This profile is set as the default for SNI. We also have specific clientssl profiles using the application specific SSL certificate. The application specific certs have their subject as with the subject alternative name with There may also be several other SAN listed depending on the web app. In testing everything works great when accessing the site via However when using we receive a cert error and the * wildcard SSL certificate is used. This is the same for any domain listed as a SAN. My main question is can SNI use subject alternative names? My testing indicates no, but I wanted to put this out to the group. Here is my sanitized config: ltm profile client-ssl domain.com_wildcard { app-service none cert domain.com_wildcard.crt chain ComodoCA.crt defaults-from clientssl key domain.com_wildcard.key sni-default true } ltm profile client-ssl prod-www_application_com { app-service none cert prod-www_application_com.crt chain key prod-www_application_com.key } ltm virtual vs-x.x.x.x_443 { destination x.x.x.x:https ip-protocol tcp mask pool site-x.x.x.x_443 profiles { http-x-forward { } domain.com_wildcard { context clientside } prod-www_application_com { context clientside } serverssl-insecure-compatible { context serverside } tcp { } websecurity { } } source source-address-translation { pool snat_pool type snat } vs-index 2539 }1.4KViews0likes7Commentsissue with ssl client profile when adding irule sni injection to a vs
Hello, We want to add SNI field to our MQTT/TLS trafic between clients and a broker servers (acting as servers). unfortunatelly, the client do not support SNI extension field. The F5 is acting in TLS passthrough. the broker servers are the TLS server end point. For that I use an irule with SSL::extensions insert (check below). I am creating my self the SNI extension. unfortunatelly, When adding my irule to my virtual server, I cannot validated my virtual server, i get an error that a client ssl profile is not present. here is my irule: when CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO { SNI extension record as defined in RFC 3546/3.1 - TLS Extension Type = int16( 0 = SNI ) - TLS Extension Length = int16( $sni_length + 5 byte ) - SNI Record Length = int16( $sni_length + 3 byte) - SNI Record Type = int8( 0 = HOST ) - SNI Record Value Length = int16( $sni_length ) - SNI Record Value = str( $sni_value ) Calculate the length of the SNI value, Compute the SNI Record / TLS extension fields and add the result to the SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO SSL::extensions insert [binary format SSScSa* 0 [expr { [set sni_length [string length "testname"]] + 5 }] [expr { $sni_length + 3 }] 0 $sni_length "testname"] } I don't understand why i need to add a ssl profile to my virtual server, as F5 is TLS passthrough. thanks for your answer.389Views0likes1CommentUsing two certificates with SNI and IP as common name
Hi all, I have a VS which client access using both FQDN and IP and I need it to be HTTPS. I have a legitimate cert for the FQDN (wildcard) and I've created a certificate for the IP address using a CA we have inhouse. I've also included SAN values for DNS and IP in this cert. When I attach each certificate individualy to the VS and try to access it accordingly, everything works fine, so I know the certs are legit. When I put both certs in the VS and configure their SSL profile with Default SNI and ServerName, it also selects the FQDN cert, even if the client access using IP address. Any suggestions why this happens? Using version Thanks!648Views0likes2Comments