Forum Discussion

unavailable's avatar
Oct 26, 2023

High availability on big ip 2600 device

HI Team,

recently for a customer,  I need to configure high availability for a big ip 2600 but, when i try to connect directly the interface "high available" dedicated  on the device, no led appears and, in the gui I don't see any information about the nic.

Doing I seach on internet i have not found information about it, may be this way of configure it , is deprecated ?

To configure High availability I need to use a nic available on the device  such as 1.1 ?

Many thanks in advanced.


  • Marcus-f5's avatar
    Oct 26, 2023


    ok, its an rSeries device. This failover port has no functionality on rSeries.

    You need to configure tenants upon f5os. The HA will be built then from tenant to tenant. There is no bare metal installation anymore on rSeries. 

    Keep in mind you need 15.1.x or 17.1.x tmos release for the tenants. v16 is not supported on rSeries.

  • Hi,

    you can put the network HA on any vlan, regardless of the TMM nic in addition to the mgmt interface. 

    There is a GUI config wizard helping you through if you are not familiar with the HA setup process. This page may help you as well:

    I assume you are referring to an i2600 or do you mean r2600?

    • unavailable's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Hi Marcus,

      many thanks for your reply.

      I attached at this maio screen about the device that I need to configure.

      As you can see in the device there is a failover nic ( i have indicated it by using red arrow ) that is not "visible" in the system and I would like to known, if for configuring high availability I need to use another nic and I have not consider the failover nic.

      Many thanks in advanced for your coop.

      Awaitng your news.


      • Marcus-f5's avatar
        Icon for Employee rankEmployee


        ok, its an rSeries device. This failover port has no functionality on rSeries.

        You need to configure tenants upon f5os. The HA will be built then from tenant to tenant. There is no bare metal installation anymore on rSeries. 

        Keep in mind you need 15.1.x or 17.1.x tmos release for the tenants. v16 is not supported on rSeries.