Forum Discussion
May 09, 2016Nimbostratus
Hi ,I want to export VIP and pool details in excel or csv . Can anybody help me regarding this . I am new in F5 world .
Hi ,I want to export VIP and pool and pool menbers details in excel or csv . Can anybody help me regarding this . I am new in F5 world .
Amol S. Allewar
May 09, 2016Nimbostratus
F5 BigIP LTM configuration is not what you would normally manage in an Excel spreadsheet. Formatting would probably be a major overhead.
If you insist, you can get started by the following two commands:
Print out all LTM Virtual Server configurations, one row per VS
tmsh list ltm virtual one-line
Print out all LTM Pool configurations, one row per Pool
tmsh list ltm pool one-line
When done, you can paste the outputs to your Excel spreadsheet and split the values to multiple columns (use 'space' as field separator). You will still have to manually format what's left to make it human-usable documentation.
May 09, 2016Nimbostratus
Thanks . My LTM is configured in multiple partition . When i enter this command i am not getting any output .
Version : 11.4.1 . Please suggest .
- niirraajJan 10, 2024Nimbostratus
Though the question is very old I am answering it for someone who still looking for the answer.
- From traffic management shell navigate to your partition admin@(lab-lb1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# cd /Partition1
- Here you can use the commands given by Hannes_Rapp admin@(lab-lb1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Partition1)(tmos)# list ltm virtual one-lineadmin@(lab-lb1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Partition1)(tmos)#list ltm pool one-line
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