APM-DHCP Access Policy Example and Detailed Instructions
Prepared with Mark Quevedo, F5 Principal Software Engineer
May, 2020
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Important Version Notes || Installation Guide || What Is Going On Here? || Parameters You Set In Your APM Access Policy || Results of DHCP Request You Use in Access Policy || Compatibility Tips and Troubleshooting
Ordinarily you assign an IP address to the “inside end” of an APM Network Tunnel (full VPN connection) from an address Lease Pool, from a static list, or from an LDAP or RADIUS attribute.
However, you may wish to assign an IP address you get from a DHCP server. Perhaps the DHCP server manages all available client addresses. Perhaps it handles dynamic DNS for named client workstations. Or perhaps the DHCP server assigns certain users specific IP addresses (for security filtering). Your DHCP server may even assign client DNS settings as well as IP addresses.
APM lacks DHCP address assignment support (though f5's old Firepass VPN had it ). We will use f5 iRules to enable DHCP with APM. We will send data from APM session variables to the DHCP server so it can issue the “right” IP address to each VPN tunnel based on user identity, client info, etc.
Important Version Notes
Version v4c includes important improvements and bug fixes. If you are using an older version, you should upgrade. Just import the template with “Overwrite existing templates” checked, then “reconfigure” your APM-DHCP Application Service—you can simply click “Finished” without changing any options to update the iRules in place.
Installation Guide
First install the APM-DHCP iApp template (file DHCP_for_APM.tmpl). Create a new Application Service as shown (choose any name you wish). Use the iApp to manage the APM-DHCP virtual servers you need. (The iApp will also install necessary iRules.)
You must define at least one APM-DHCP virtual server to receive and send DHCP packets. Usually an APM-DHCP virtual server needs an IP address on the subnet on which you expect your DHCP server(s) to assign client addresses. You may define additional APM-DHCP virtual servers to request IP addresses on additional subnets from DHCP. However, if your DHCP server(s) support subnet-selection (see session.dhcp.subnet below) then you may only need a single APM-DHCP virtual server and it may use any IP that can talk to your DHCP server(s).
It is best to give each APM-DHCP virtual server a unique IP address but you may use an BIG-IP Self IP as per SOL13896 . Ensure your APM and APM-DHCP virtual servers are in the same TMOS Traffic Group (if that is impossible set TMOS db key tmm.sessiondb.match_ha_unit to false).
Ensure that your APM-DHCP virtual server(s) and DHCP server(s) or relay(s) are reachable via the same BIG-IP route domain. Specify in your IP addresses any non-zero route-domains you are using (e.g., “”)—this is essential.
(It is not mandatory to put your DHCP-related Access Policy Items into a Macro—but doing so makes the below screenshot less wide!)
Into your APM Access Policy, following your Logon Page and AD Auth (or XYZ Auth) Items (etc.) but before any (Full/Advanced/simple) Resource Assign Item which assigns the Network Access Resource (VPN), insert both Machine Info and Windows Info Items. (The Windows Info Item will not bother non-Windows clients.)
Next insert a Variable Assign Item and name it “DHCP Setup”. In your “DHCP Setup” Item, set any DHCP parameters (explained below) that you need as custom session variables. You must set session.dhcp.servers. You must also set session.dhcp.virtIP to the IP address of an APM-DHCP virtual server (either here or at some point before the “DHCP_Req” iRule Event Item).
Finally, insert an iRule Event Item (name it “DHCP Req”) and set its Agent ID to DHCP_req. Give it a Branch Rule “Got IP” using the expression “expr {[mcget {session.dhcp.address}] ne ""}” as illustrated. You must attach iRule ir-apm-policy-dhcp to your APM virtual server (the virtual server to which your clients connect).
Neither the Machine Info Item nor the Windows Info Item is mandatory. However, each gathers data which common DHCP servers want to see. By default DHCP_req will send that data, when available, to your DHCP servers.
See below for advanced options: DHCP protocol settings, data sent to DHCP server(s), etc. Typically your requests will include a user identifier from session.dhcp.subscriber_ID and client (machine or connection) identifiers from other parameters.
The client IP address assigned by DHCP will appear in session.dhcp.address. By default, the DHCP_req iRule Event handler will also copy that IP address into session.requested.clientip where the Network Access Resource will find it. You may override that behavior by setting session.dhcp.copy2var (see below).
Any “vendor-specific information” supplied by the DHCP server1 (keyed by the value of session.dhcp.vendor_class) will appear in variables session.dhcp.vinfo.N where N is a tag number (1-254). You may assign meanings to tag numbers.
Any DNS parameters the DHCP server supplies2 are in session.dhcp.dns_servers and session.dhcp.dns_suffix. If you want clients to use those DNS server(s) and/or DNS default search domain, put the name of every Network Access Resource your Access Policy may assign to the client into the session.dhcp.dns_na_list option.
NB: this solution does not renew DHCP address leases automatically, but it does release IP addresses obtained from DHCP after APM access sessions terminate.3 Please configure your DHCP server(s) for an address lease time longer than your APM Maximum Session Timeout.
Do not configure APM-DHCP virtual servers in different BIG-IP route domains so they share any part of a DHCP client IP range (address lease pool). For example, do not use two different APM-DHCP virtual servers and with one DHCP client IP range— APM-DHCP won’t recognize when two VPN sessions in different route domains get the same client IP from a non-route-domain-aware DHCP server, so it may not release their IP’s in proper sequence.
This solution releases DHCP address leases for terminated APM sessions every once in a while, when a new connection comes in to the APM virtual server (because the BIG IP only executes the relevant iRules on the “event” of each new connection). When traffic is sparse (say, in the middle of the night) there may be some delay in releasing addresses for dead sessions.
If ever you think this solution isn’t working properly, be sure to check the BIG IP’s LTM log for warning and error messages.
DHCP Setup (a Variable Assign Item) will look like:
Put the IP of (one of) your APM-DHCP virtual server(s) in session.dhcp.virtIP.
Your DHCP server list may contain addresses of DHCP servers or relays. You may list a directed broadcast address (e.g., “”) instead of server addresses but that will generate extra network chatter.
To log information about DHCP processing for the current APM session you may set variable session.dhcp.debug to true (don’t leave it enabled when not debugging).
DHCP Req (an iRule Event Item) will look like:
Note DHCP Req branch rules:
If DHCP fails, you may wish to warn the user:
(It is not mandatory to Deny access after DHCP failure—you may substitute another address into session.requested.clientip or let the Network Access Resource use a Lease Pool.)
What is going on here?
We may send out DHCP request packets easily enough using iRules’ SIDEBAND functions, but it is difficult to collect DHCP replies using SIDEBAND.4 Instead, we must set up a distinct LTM virtual server to receive DHCP replies on UDP port 67 at a fixed address. We tell the DHCP server(s) we are a DHCP relay device so replies will come back to us directly (no broadcasting).5 For a nice explanation of the DHCP request process see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc940466.aspx. At this time, we support only IPv4, though adding IPv6 would require only toil, not genius.
By default, a DHCP server will assign a client IP on the subnet where the DHCP relay device (that is, your APM-DHCP virtual server) is homed. For example, if your APM-DHCP virtual server’s address were the DHCP server would typically lease out a client IP on subnet Moreover, the DHCP server will communicate directly with the relay-device IP so appropriate routes must exist and firewall rules must permit. If you expect to assign client IP’s to APM tunnel endpoints on multiple subnets you may need multiple APM-DHCP virtual servers (one per subnet). Alternatively, some but not all DHCP servers6 support the rfc3011 “subnet selection” or rfc3527 “subnet/link-selection sub-option” so you can request a client IP on a specified subnet using a single APM-DHCP virtual server (relay device) IP which is not homed on the target subnet but which can communicate easily with the DHCP server(s): see parameter session.dhcp.subnet below.
NOTE: The subnet(s) on which APM Network Access (VPN) tunnels are homed need not exist on any actual VLAN so long as routes to any such subnet(s) lead to your APM (BIG-IP) device. Suppose you wish to support 1000 simultaneous VPN connections and most of your corporate subnets are /24’s—but you don’t want to set up four subnets for VPN users. You could define a virtual subnet—say,—tell your DHCP server(s) to assign addresses from thru to clients, put an APM-DHCP virtual server on, and so long as your Layer-3 network knows that your APM BIG-IP is the gateway to, you’re golden.
When an APM Access Policy wants an IP address from DHCP, it will first set some parameters into APM session variables (especially the IP address(es) of one or more DHCP server(s)) using a Variable Assign Item, then use an iRule Event Item to invoke iRule Agent DHCP_req in ir apm policy dhcp. DHCP_req will send DHCPDISCOVERY packets to the specified DHCP server(s). The DHCP server(s) will reply to those packets via the APM-DHCP virtual-server, to which iRule ir apm dhcp must be attached. That iRule will finish the 4-packet DHCP handshake to lease an IP address. DHCP_req handles timeouts/retransmissions and copies the client IP address assigned by the DHCP server into APM session variables for the Access Policy to use.
We use the APM Session-ID as the DHCP transaction-ID XID and also (by default) in the value of chaddr to avert collisions and facilitate log tracing.
Parameters You Set In Your APM Access Policy
Required Parameters
session.dhcp.virtIP |
session.dhcp.servers |
Optional Parameters (including some DHCP Options)
NOTE: when you leave a parameter undefined or empty, a suitable value from the APM session environment may be substituted (see details below). The defaults produce good results in most cases. Unless otherwise noted, set parameters as Text values. To exclude a parameter entirely set its Text value to '' [two ASCII single-quotes] (equivalent to Custom Expression return {''} ). White-space and single-quotes are trimmed from the ends of parameter values, so '' indicates a nil value.
It is best to put “Machine Info” and “Windows Info” Items into your Access Policy ahead of your iRule Event “DHCP_req” Item (Windows Info is not available for Mac clients beginning at version 15.1.5 as they are no longer considered safe).
session.dhcp.debug |
session.dhcp.firepass |
session.dhcp.copy2var |
session.dhcp.dns_na_list |
session.dhcp.broadcast |
session.dhcp.vendor_class Option 60 |
session.dhcp.user_class Option 77 |
session.dhcp.client_ID Option 61 |
session.dhcp.hostname Option 12 |
session.dhcp.subscriber_ID Sub-option 6 of Option 82 |
session.dhcp.circuit_ID Sub-option 1 of Option 82 |
session.dhcp.remote_ID Sub-option 2 of Option 82 |
session.dhcp.subnet Option 118 Sub-option 5 of Option 82 |
session.dhcp.hwcode |
Results of DHCP Request For Use In Access Policy
session.dhcp.address <-- client IP address assigned by DHCP!
session.dhcp.server, session.dhcp.relay
session.dhcp.expires, session.dhcp.issued
session.dhcp.lease, session.dhcp.rebind, session.dhcp.renew
session.dhcp.dns_servers, session.dhcp.dns_suffix
session.dhcp.xid, session.dhcp.hex_client_id, session.dhcp.hwx
If a DHCP request succeeds the client IP address appears in session.dhcp.address. If that is empty look in session.dhcp.message for an error message. The IP address of the DHCP server which issued (or refused) the client IP is in session.dhcp.server (if session.dhcp.relay differs then DHCP messages were relayed). Lease expiration time is in session.dhcp.expires. Variables session.dhcp.{lease, rebind, renew} indicate the duration of the address lease, plus the rebind and renew times, in seconds relative to the clock value in session.dhcp.issued (issued time).
See session.dhcp.vinfo.N where N is tag number for Option 43 vendor-specific information.
If the DHCP server sends client DNS server(s) and/or default search domain, those appear in session.dhcp.dns_servers and/or session.dhcp.dns_suffix.
To assist in log analysis and debugging, session.dhcp.xid contains the XID code used in the DHCP request. The client_ID value (if any) sent to the DHCP server(s) is in session.dhcp.hex_client_id. The DHCP request’s htype and chaddr values (in hex) are concatenated in session.dhcp.hwx.
Compatibility Tips and Troubleshooting
Concern | Response |
My custom parameter seems to be ignored.
You should set most custom parameters as Text values (they may morph to Custom Expressions).
My users with Apple Mac Pro’s sometimes get no DHCP IP or a conflicting one. |
A few Apple laptops sometimes give the Machine Info Item bogus MAC addresses. Set session.dhcp.client_ID to “XIDMAC“ to use unique per-session identifiers for clients.
After a VPN session ends, I expect the very next session to reuse the same DHCP IP but that doesn’t happen. | Many DHCP servers cycle through all the client IP’s available for one subnet before reusing any. Also, after a session ends APM-DHCP takes a few minutes to release its DHCP IP. |
When I test APM-DHCP with APM VE running on VMware Workstation, none of my sessions gets an IP from DHCP. | VMware Workstation’s built-in DHCP server sends bogus DHCP packets. Use another DHCP server for testing (Linux dhcpd(8) is cheap and reliable). |
I use BIG-IP route domains and I notice that some of my VPN clients are getting duplicate DHCP IP addresses. | Decorate the IP addresses of your APM-DHCP virtual servers, both in the iApp and in session.dhcp.virtIP, with their route-domain ID’s in “percent notation” like “”. |
APM-DHCP is not working. | Double-check your configuration. Look for errors in the LTM log. Set session.dhcp.debug to “true” before trying to start a VPN session, then examine DHCP debugging messages in the LTM log to see if you can figure out the problem. |
Even after looking at debugging messages in the log I still don’t know why APM-DHCP is not working. | Run “tcpdump –ne -i 0.0 -s0 port 67” to see where the DHCP handshake fails. Are DISCOVER packets sent? Do any DHCP servers reply with OFFER packets? Is a REQUEST sent to accept an OFFER? Does the DHCP server ACK that REQUEST? If you see an OFFER but no REQUEST, check for bogus multicast MAC addresses in the OFFER packet. If no OFFER follows DISCOVER, what does the DHCP server’s log show? Is there a valid zone/lease-pool for you? Check the network path for routing errors, hostile firewall rules, or DHCP relay issues. |
- In DHCP Option 43 (rfc2132).
- In DHCP Options 6 and 15 (rfc2132).
- Prior to version v3h, under certain circumstances with some DHCP servers, address-release delays could cause two active sessions to get the same IP address.
- And even more difficult using [listen], for those of you in the back of the room.
- A bug in some versions of VMware Workstation’s DHCP server makes this solution appear to fail. The broken DHCP server sends messages to DHCP relays in unicast IP packets encapsulated in broadcast MAC frames. A normal BIG-IP virtual server will not receive such packets.
- As of Winter 2017 the ISC, Cisco, and MS Windows Server 2016 DHCP servers support the subnet/link selection options but older Windows Server and Infoblox DHCP servers do not.
Supporting Files - Download attached ZIP File Here.
- J_McInnes
Is there any plan to extend to DHCPv6 or ND6?
- Chase_Abbott
Are you referring to the iApp & sample code content or underlying parameters and commands?
Hi. Other than me that experience it does not release IP's? Tested in 2 different environments on v13x and v14x.
Any suggestions would be appreciated as we experience overlapping IPs from time to time, when a user makes a new session and is getting a IP from an earlier session. then max session time will exceed the lease time in same cases.
We setup the DHCP like described.
We have the issue that the DHCP sends a Discover with a Client HW address with a length of 4 bytes instead of 6 bytes.
Our DHCP does not accept wrong Client HW address.
Does someone already had this issue?
Do you have a Solution?
- GregSaugy
We are testing this solution to handle our DHCP requests but have run into an issue where duplicate IPs are being distributed.
Here is the scenario:
User1 connects and gets an IP address.
For whatever reason user1 disconnects, which queues up a DHCP release for their IP on the APM, and then before anybody else connects user1 reconnects and gets the same IP address they had previously. For some reason when user1 reconnects this does not trigger the APM to release the “DHCP release” for user1’s IP address.
User2 connects which triggers the DHCP release for user1’s IP address and user2 gets their own IP address
User3 connects and is assigned user1’s IP address, even though user1 is still using it, because DHCP thinks it is available.
It is mentioned in the article that “You can force the release of unused leases simply by configuring a BIG-IP service monitor to connect to your APM virtual server periodically.” I tried this with a health monitor, HTTP and icmp, checking the pool with the virtual server in it every 5 seconds to force the release of the queued up “DHCP releases” but that didn’t seem to work. I figured every 5 seconds would be plenty of time to release the address of a user who disconnects and reconnects right away.
Can you elaborate on this solution from the article:” You can force the release of unused leases simply by configuring a BIG-IP service monitor to connect to your APM virtual server periodically—the monitor doesn’t need to log in or anything, it’s just used to provoke a “connection event” to force the iRule to run.”
Or can you provide another solution to forcing the queued up “DHCP releases” to be releases?
- M_Quevedo
Hi :
Thank you for the clear problem description. I will explain in detail below, but to summarize first, in the APM-DHCP version you have (v3d+) you have discovered one outright error in the documentation and one awkwardness (not a strictly a bug) in the code that handles DHCPRELEASE. (The documentation error is fixed in version v3f and later.)
Since you described two different users getting the same IP address, here is an simple, instant fix for you: in your Access Policy, in your DHCP_Setup Variable Assign Item, add the following setting
session.dhcp.client_ID = '' (that is, two single-quotes, no spaces)
That change will almost certainly fix your current problem because you are not assigning IP's to specific users (if you were, then User1 and User2 would not get the same IP, regardless of the problem with delayed DHCPRELEASE messages).
Right now your DHCP server gives User1 the same IP for both his first and second APM VPN sessions because your DHCP server sees the MAC address of his device (laptop or whatever) in the DHCP requests for both of his VPN sessions. The DHCP server thinks "it's the same client device, might as well give it the same IP address." When you set session.dhcp.client_ID to '' (two single-quotes) as I recommend, APM-DHCP will start sending your DHCP server a unique client-device identifier for each session, so the DHCP server will give User1 different IP's for his first and second sessions. That way User2 will not get an IP which conflicts with User1's IP even when the DHCPRELEASE for User1's first session is tardy.
If you actually did wish to tie specific static IP addresses to specific users then the quick fix would not be applicable, but the problem would never appear (because each user would always get his/her own static IP). However, for F5 customers whose DHCP servers reserve certain IP's for certain groups of users there could still be a problem...
Here's the long explanation. FIrst, the error in the documentation. I regret that you were misled. That advice-- to use a monitor to prompt release of DHCP IP's-- has been outdated and ineffective since I changed the actual code in the solution several years ago. I just failed to notice and remove that line or two in the doc at that time.
Second, the awkwardness in the code. Currently (that is, up to and including version v3g -- I do realize you have v3d+) for good reasons the code which sends DHCPRELEASE messages after APM VPN sessions end can delay up to four minutes even on a busy APM device, and will send the DHCPRELEASE for a terminated session even if the actual IP has since been assigned to a new session.
The reason for the delay in sending DHCPRELEASE after a session ends is that no iRule can send any messages just at the moment when a VPN session ends. APM does fire an iRule event then called ACCESS_SESSION_CLOSED, but no network messages can be sent from that event, nor can any shared-memory locations be updated. The APM-DHCP solution has to wait for some other iRule event to check which APM sessions have recently ended and then send DHCPRELEASE messages for those recently-terminated sessions.
APM-DHCP uses the CLIENT_ACCEPTED event for the next client connection to clean up after recently-ended sessions. However, APM-DHCP cannot just transmit each DHCPRELEASE message from CLIENT_ACCEPTED. Every possible local-and-remote IP:port combination is mapped to just one of several TMM processes on the BIG-IP by the "DAG" (traffic disaggregator) which distributes network connections evenly to TMM processes. That means that only one TMM can actually send DHCP messages from the BIG-IP's UDP port 67 (on the proper IP address) to a particular DHCP server's port 67. Therefore, APM-DHCP queues up DHCPRELEASE messages to be sent from the "right" TMM the next time that TMM handles some DHCPREQUEST traffic to the target DHCP server (many customer environments have multiple DHCP servers-- this is normal-- and each one may be mapped to a different TMM process).
Worse yet, if APM-DHCP were actually to check on all VPN sessions upon every client connection it would harm the performance of busy APM devices. Suppose that some (rather modest) APM device supports 1,500 simultaneous VPN sessions and the average duration of each session is 4 hours. Then by Little's Law that APM device accepts about ten connections per second on average. If APM-DHCP tried to poll APM for the status of 1,500 sessions 10 times per second neither the APM administrator nor the APM users would be pleased. To avert performance problems, APM-DHCP currently polls for the status of any given session only once every four minutes. That means the average delay between a session ending and APM-DHCP noticing is two minutes. Awkwardly, per your report that seems to be enough time for a user to log in, drop his session, then log in again before APM-DHCP notices his first session has ended-- meaning the DHCPRELEASE for his first session may be sent out after his second session has begun.
But wait (says Ron Popeil), there's more! Even when APM-DHCP is finally about to transmit a DHCPRELEASE message, it (currently) has no good way to know whether the client IP inside that message has been leased to a new VPN session. APM-DHCP knows the session-ID of the old, closed session and the IP that the old session had, but there is no easy way for APM-DHCP to ask APM whether any active session (with an new, different session-ID) is using that IP.
To avert the race condition you described it will be necessary for APM-DHCP to track all the DHCP IP's in use. It could do that by rummaging through the DHCPRELEASE messages it has stashed waiting for their corresponding sessions to end, but that would be inefficient since those are indexed by session-ID, not IP. I will look into this and try to supply an update to APM-DHCP that alleviates the difficulty you described.
- M_Quevedo
Hi ,
I regret that I did not become aware of your inquiry sooner, but here's the answer anyway 🙂.
You seem to have missed the explanation of client hardware addresses on page 11 of the APM-DHCP documentation. Some DHCP servers (though not any of the popular ones) demand six-octet hardware addresses. You seem to have such a DHCP server. APM-DHCP has always been able to work with such DHCP servers...
Just set the value of variable session.dhcp.hwcode to "MAC" in your Access Policy's DHCP_Setup Variable Assign Item. When you do that, APM-DHCP will generate and send six-octet hardware addresses rather than four-octet ones.
(You may wonder why six-octet addresses are not the default. The main reason is to fend off attempts by very old or broken DHCP servers or promiscuous network monitoring devices to send Ethernet packets directly to any six-octet "hardware addresses" they see in DHCP requests. Sadly, there are still devices lurking on corporate networks which don't understand DHCP relay.)
- M_Quevedo
Hi ,
It sounds like you hit the same problem as , in which the DHCPRELEASE for one session goes to the DHCP server after it has issued the same IP to the same client for a second (different) session, which causes the DHCP server to think the second session has released that IP, so the DHCP server then issues that IP to a different client (even though the first client is actually still using it), causing an IP conflict.
Until a new version of the APM-DHCP iApp appears with a fix, try this very easy workaround: in your Access Policy's DHCP_Setup Variable Assign Item, set session.dhcp.client_ID to [a "Text" value of] '' (two single quotes, no spaces). That will cause APM-DHCP to send the DHCP server a unique client ID for each VPN session which should avert the duplicate-leasing of IP's due to DHCPRELEASE delays. You can read a long explanation in one of the comments above.
Hi @M Quevedo thanks for your response. From my understanding that variable is just setting the MAC address as an identifier, but this is already working. After I wrote on this thread I found that the issue was only happening on OSX and further digging showed it was only happening on Mac Pro with touchbars. Sometimes Macs presents their touchbar adapter as its primary NIC and since Apple has chosen to use the same MAC addr for every single touchbar the Mac addresses collide. I have not found a workaround for this, as changing the irule to use the 2nd NIC on the list will do the same as it seems random how the Mac presents its NICs and therefor I will still see the issues by changing the iRule to use the second NIC. It is a very strange behavior by Apple.
- GregSaugy
Thanks very much @M Quevedo,
That was very informative information as to what is going on behind the scenes. I tried setting session.dhcp.client_ID to value '' in my DHCP_Setup Variable Assign Item but it doesn't seem to be working, see attached for one example of how i was trying to define the variable. Am i doing this wrong?