Forum Discussion

Hayato_35605's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 23, 2011

Help with LocalLB::NodeAddress set_connection_limit

Hi I am a newbie to F5 and I am struggling to call set_connection_limit method in LocalLB::NodeAddress.



Having looked at the API docs I am doing the following;




push @addresses, $address;


$limitsHash =




high => 0,


low => 1




push @limits, $limitsHash;




$soapAddresses = SOAP::Data->name(node_addresses => [@addresses]);


$soapLimits = SOAP::Data->name(limits => [@limits]);




$soapResponse = $s->{interface}->set_connection_limit($soapAddresses, $soapLimits);










The above code is responding with the following error;




Fault Code: SOAP-ENV:Server, Fault String: Could not find element by name: high


Fault Code: SOAP-ENV:Server, Fault String: Could not find element by name: limits






I must be constructing the data structure wrong, and I have tried several combinations but no luck.




Any help would be appreciated.






  • That is odd. I ran your code and it worked fine against my system. Can you include SOAP tracing to see what's going on and post the output as an attachment to this thread?



    BTW, here's the code I used which worked fine:



    sub setConnectionLimit()
        my ($node_address) = (@_);
      push @addresses, $node_address;
      $limitsHash = {
        high => 0,
        low => 1
      push @limits, $limitsHash;
      $soapAddresses = SOAP::Data->name(node_addresses => [@addresses]);
      $soapLimits = SOAP::Data->name(limits => [@limits]);
      $soapResponse = $NodeAddress->set_connection_limit($soapAddresses, $soapLimits);





  • Hi Joe,



    Thanks for your confirmation. I have managed to get it working now. I am not certain what I was doing wrong.





