Forum Discussion

Mr_Moody's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 30, 2020

Help with IRule Client Auth Certs

I have an IRule below that I'm working on. My intent is to enforce client certificate authentication on two URI's only and if any client certificate errors should result in a redirect to a custom er...
  • Simon_Blakely's avatar
    Nov 01, 2020

    Your HTTP::respond 302 is in the else clause of your second if statement.

    It is never reached.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/uri1") || ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/uri2")} {
                            # This path has no client-authentication
    	} else {
          # perform client-authentication if the uri matches
          if { ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/uri1") || ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/uri2")} {
    		SSL::session invalidate
            SSL::authenticate always
            SSL::authenticate depth 9
            SSL::cert mode require
            set cmd "SSL::profile /Common/require_clientssl"
            eval $cmd
     	  } else {
            # we cannot execute this path because of the first *if* statement
            if {[SSL::verify_result] == 0 }{
            } else {
              HTTP::respond 302 Location "" Cache-Control No-Cache Pragma No-Cache

    Try something like

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/uri1") || ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/uri2")} {
          # we don't need to renegotiate with client-authentication
    	} else {
          # we do need to renegotiate with client-authentication
      	  SSL::session invalidate
          SSL::authenticate always
          SSL::authenticate depth 9
          SSL::cert mode require
          set cmd "SSL::profile /Common/require_clientssl"
          eval $cmd
          # check if renegotiation with client-auth succeeded
          if {[SSL::verify_result] == 0 }{
          } else {
            HTTP::respond 302 Location "" Cache-Control No-Cache Pragma No-Cache

    but I haven't tested this to check ...