Forum Discussion
Help needed for As3 Declaration
I am trying to build a monitor using the AS3 Template and need \"STATUS\":\"allServicesOperative\" as my receive string
if use the below code after deploying it removed all the " marks and deploys as STATUS:allServicesOperative
Monitor Declaration
"receive": "\"STATUS\":\"allServicesOperative\"", will removed all the " marks and deploys as STATUS:allServicesOperative
chang to this "receive": "\\\"STATUS\\\":\\\"allServicesOperative\\\"",in the GUI the result will be \"STATUS\":\"allServicesOperative\"you can enable AS3 controls.trace, controls.traceResponse, set its value to true and watch tmsh config process
Hello vishnu1994,
No tested before, but base on this doc I would try it putting quotes without scaping them
- xuwenCumulonimbus
"receive": "\"STATUS\":\"allServicesOperative\"", will removed all the " marks and deploys as STATUS:allServicesOperative
chang to this "receive": "\\\"STATUS\\\":\\\"allServicesOperative\\\"",in the GUI the result will be \"STATUS\":\"allServicesOperative\"you can enable AS3 controls.trace, controls.traceResponse, set its value to true and watch tmsh config process- vishnu1994Altostratus
Thank you for the reply, I will validate and update
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