Forum Discussion

MustphaBassim's avatar
Feb 27, 2024

Health monitor

Hello Dears

I am trying to implement health monitor for server but the vendor inform me that the connection is being full tcp handshake (syn, syn-ack, ack), but they need for  syn, syn-ack

so in health montior how to do that ? 

also is it double to change the type and parent montior on GUI is unable to edit it.


Best Regards

  • Hi MustphaBassim,

    You can configure the pool to use the "TCP Half Open" monitor. 

    You can simply apply the default TCP Half Open monitor to the pool or if you need to do make changes, create a custom one using the default one as a parent and make changes to it.

    • MustphaBassim's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Hello Dear


      thnx for your replay

      it seems unable to not edit anything on pool level or monitor level 

    • MustphaBassim's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      I tried to use admin account but it is the seem issue take in mind i remove the health montior from pool that was mapped to it