HA sync problem after upgrade from v17.11 to v17.1.1.1
I have problem with HA configsync after upgrade from v17.1.1 to v17.1.1.1 tenants on VELOS.
After upgrade the device 1 connnects to the device 2 (port 4353) but the device 2 is not able connects to the device 1. When I try ping or open SSH connection from the device 2 to the device 1 evriting is OK. But telnet on the port 4353 faild. (I don't see any packet in tcpdump on devices). No network changes have made. In LTM log on the device 2 are these records:
grep -i cmi /var/log/ltm
... notice mcpd[5324]: 0107143c:5: Connection to CMI peer has been removed
... err mcpd[5324]: 0107142f:3: Can't connect to CMI peer, port:6699, Transport endpoint is not connected
... err mcpd[5324]: 0107142f:3: Can't connect to CMI peer, TMM outbound listener not yet created
... notice mcpd[5324]: 01071451:5: Received CMI hello from /Common/xxx.yyy.zzz
I¨ve reset an estabilish device tust again, but the problem persist.
When I rollback to the previous version on both devices, evriting is OK.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be?