Forum Discussion

julien_21453's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 31, 2011

GTM with LTM performance

Hi everybody,



I'm planning to implement GTM on a Datacenter and I want to have your feedback about this technology. I have already installed LTM but not GTM.


What is the best practice for implementing GTM and LTM ? Using a dedicated appliance is better (but more expensive) ? Can we have LTM and GTM on the same appliance with HA ? Does the performance is reduced when we use LTM and GTM together?



Thank you in advance for all your answer.





  • Hi Julian,


    I can only speak to my experience but here is what I think is the best practice for the GTM and LTM



    That being said, the only real advantage to warrant a GTM is if you have two or more data centers that hosts applications using a single domain name(s).



    Now that we got that out of the way let me answer some of you basic questions first



    Q: Is it better to use a dedicated appliance or integrated with the LTM?


    A: The best practice is to physically separate the LTM and GTM because


    1) Redundancy - scale beyond the 2 unit appliance


    2) Reach-ability - If hosted on the same appliance or Virtual M your clients might not be able to reach the GTM to do resolution.


    3) Serviceability - Separated you can perform independent upgrades or fixes.


    Otherwise you can host it just fine on the same appliance or same VM



    Q: Can we have LTM and GTM on the same appliance with HA?


    A: Yes you can without an issue.



    Q: Does the performance is reduced when we use LTM and GTM together?


    A: All the Appliances are sized to handle the GTM so the short answer is no. The longer answer is: depends. This is because they are sharing the same resources on a single appliance so they are prone to the same types of performance issues as any other application running on the same device.



    I hope this answers some of your questions



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Some additional thoughts on GTM on LTM or GTM as a standalone:





  • Thank you for your answers bhattman, it is clearer now.


    And thank you hoolio for the other topic's link.


