Feb 12, 2012Nimbostratus
GTM Question
For GTM to Work , whay does it need 2 GTM boxes ? i know about LTM & LC can someone brief to me GTM functions ?
But you can have a single GTM box, offsite from your datacentres, that can do the GSLB between your datacentres.
The GTM's on each site poll the other GTM (using iQuery: 4353) and also the other LTM's (or other load balancers), and servers on both sites, if there are communication issues then the GTM will mark the service as down and will not direct DNS queries to that service.
Link Controller (LC) is a cut down version of GTM that does not allow the inbound GTM functions but allows for (outbound) link load balancing, this is also included in the full GTM product.