Forum Discussion
Feb 20, 2012Nimbostratus
GTM LB Methods
CPU mode:
The CPU load balancing mode selects the virtual server that currently has
the most CPU processing time available to handle name resolution requests.
Question: How doesGTM knows about CPU of VS ?
Kilobyte/Second mode
Question: How doesGTM knows about Kilobyte/Second of VS ?
- hoolioCirrostratusIn past versions I think it was global BIG-IP CPU for the unit the VS was on. Since we added per-LTM VS CPU metrics in 11.1 it could potentially be per VS for the GTM metric now. You could open a case with F5 Support to confirm/correct this. If it's not per-LTM VS CPU metrics in 11.1, you could ask to have a request for enhancement opened. If you do, ask Support to reference BZ216992 for some background info.
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