Forum Discussion

Anthony_Fornito's avatar
Apr 07, 2017

Fresh Setup of F5 12 1 2 however site cant be reached

I downloaded and setup the F5 12.1.2 OVF form here


Network Layout


Management Network


Management IP <- This is also the same IP i connect to in the browser


Below is my setting I have configured nothing else at all


I cannot find a good Getting started Guide to show me what I am missing however everytime I go the site it will not work


I am now throwing spaghetti against to wall to see what sticks and know I am probably missing a bunch of stuff


Any help would greatly appreciated


My Config


  • Lets start from the top. In the OVF the their will be a list of interfaces. The first is always the management interface. This is completely seperate from the data side. You cannot create virtual servers on this interface. The rest of the interfaces are 1.1, 1.2, 1.3... respectively.


    To configure management interface you... System -> Platform ... configure IP address/mask , default route, Timezone, Hostname, Passwords


    To get an BIGIP on the network (data side) you...


    1. Layer 2 - Create a vlan using 1.1
    2. Layer 3 - Configure two self IP's using that vlan. One is floating (traffic-group-1) one that this not (traffic-group-non-floating)
    3. Set access to allow default if you want to manage via this address
    4. Rinse repeat for other interfaces.
    5. This is basically connecting the F5 to the network. This is preferred as these days you can pass VLAN traffic directly to a BIGIP.

    You can now manage the BIGIP via the management interface OR the first data interface if you allowed it.


    To get traffic to flow you need to...


    1. Create a virtual server with an IP address on any network in which you have a Self IP's
    2. Create a pool with pool members.
    3. If the pool members are not on a conected network you will need add routes to them.
    4. If they are on the same network as the virtual server enable source address translation - automap in the properties of the virtual server

    Testing: Usually when spinning up an OVF, as I setup each part I ping the managament address, then the self IP's, then the virtuals. Then from the BIGIP itself I ping the pool members to make sure they are reachable


    Caveats: If the only route on the F5 is a default route on the management interface and your servers are not on attached networks (where you have SelfIP's) then your traffic is traversing the management network (not ideal)


4 Replies

  • It looks like you have the Virtual Servers on the same subnet as your management ip. Best practice is to have these on different subnets. Do you have a self ip setup on the f5 big-ip for the interface of virtual servers?


    Take a look at these links that may help.





    • Anthony_Fornito's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      My Management network is my web server network is


      When I try to add a Self IP the Virtual Servers go from Green to Red, I have messed with all day, adding and creating VLAN's VLAN groups none of the pasta is sticking to the wall.


      My webservers are and I an trying to use a Self IP of


  • Lets start from the top. In the OVF the their will be a list of interfaces. The first is always the management interface. This is completely seperate from the data side. You cannot create virtual servers on this interface. The rest of the interfaces are 1.1, 1.2, 1.3... respectively.


    To configure management interface you... System -> Platform ... configure IP address/mask , default route, Timezone, Hostname, Passwords


    To get an BIGIP on the network (data side) you...


    1. Layer 2 - Create a vlan using 1.1
    2. Layer 3 - Configure two self IP's using that vlan. One is floating (traffic-group-1) one that this not (traffic-group-non-floating)
    3. Set access to allow default if you want to manage via this address
    4. Rinse repeat for other interfaces.
    5. This is basically connecting the F5 to the network. This is preferred as these days you can pass VLAN traffic directly to a BIGIP.

    You can now manage the BIGIP via the management interface OR the first data interface if you allowed it.


    To get traffic to flow you need to...


    1. Create a virtual server with an IP address on any network in which you have a Self IP's
    2. Create a pool with pool members.
    3. If the pool members are not on a conected network you will need add routes to them.
    4. If they are on the same network as the virtual server enable source address translation - automap in the properties of the virtual server

    Testing: Usually when spinning up an OVF, as I setup each part I ping the managament address, then the self IP's, then the virtuals. Then from the BIGIP itself I ping the pool members to make sure they are reachable


    Caveats: If the only route on the F5 is a default route on the management interface and your servers are not on attached networks (where you have SelfIP's) then your traffic is traversing the management network (not ideal)


    • Kevin_Davies_40's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      A little more information would be helpful.


      • bigip selfip/mask for each vlan?
      • client addresses?
      • servers addresses?