Forum Discussion
thanks Dario_Garrido,
So that name will be populated automatically or I need to type in the name of "this VS i.e. current VS"?
In link provided you have examples of usage. For example:
# If the current VS name is not "my_vs"
if {[virtual name] ne "my_vs"} {
# Then, redirect the traffic to a new VS called "my_vs"
virtual my_vs
} else {
# If it is "my_vs", then just write a message in the log
log local0. "endless loop avoided"
- QasimJul 12, 2022Cirrostratus
Hi Dario,
I created the IRULE but when assigning to a VS I am getting the following error:
: Unable to find virtual_server ((test_target_vs)) referenced at line 5: [virtual (test_target_vs)]
the test_target_vs definitely exists on LTM and here is my IRULE:
if { [HTTP::uri] contains "/*" }
log local0. "internally routing from [virtual name] to (test_target_vs)"
virtual (test_target_vs)
}}- Jul 12, 2022
Avoid using "(" ")". Use this instead:
virtual test_target_vs
Btw, if the VS is located in a different partition than /Common, you need to reference that partition.
virtual /my_partition/my_vs
- QasimJul 12, 2022Cirrostratus
Tried that too - unfortunately same error. also, there only a single partition.
is there any pre-requisite for the virtual to work? i.e. something I need to enable/disable perhaps?