Jan 05, 2017Cirrus
Forward Compatibility with Irule BIG-IP APM with OWA 2016 and IE10 or Google Chrome
Morning All,
Re: Which irule should be used to resolve the error "Access policy evaluation is already in progress"
We are currently on BIG-IP 11.6.0 Build 6.0.442 Hotfix HF6 but I cannot guarantee that the device will not be patched to v11.6.1 HF1.
Should we deploy the normal irule and will this be a issue in the device is upgraded to v11.6.1 HF1? Is there any issues deploying the irule for v11.6.1 HF1 instead?
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "IsClientAppCacheEnabled"] } {
HTTP::cookie "IsClientAppCacheEnabled" False
Code when HTTP_REQUEST {
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "IsClientAppCacheEnabled"] } {
HTTP::cookie remove "IsClientAppCacheEnabled"
HTTP::cookie insert name "IsClientAppCacheEnabled" value False