Forum Discussion

awan_m's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Aug 03, 2023

FIX Message Response

Hi - i am trying to do a FIX message validation on F5 - and in case of invalid client IP - i want to send a FIX response back .

currectly if the IP address of a FIX login Message does not match the client ID associated in a Datagroup - the F5 rejects the connection and does TCP::close

can i respond with a Reject FIX message ?



  • awan_m's avatar
    Aug 04, 2023

    i tried to understand it but i cannot - 

    BIGPROTO::enable_fix_reset true -- what would this do

    BIGPROTO::enable_fix_reset false -- what would this do  

  • awan_m In the section where you do the TCP::close replace it with the following and then the HTML with the information you want to display to the end user.

            HTTP::respond 200 content {
    <title>Page Not Found</title>
    <body>Page Not Found</body>
    • awan_m's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      i tried to understand it but i cannot - 

      BIGPROTO::enable_fix_reset true -- what would this do

      BIGPROTO::enable_fix_reset false -- what would this do