Forum Discussion

saidshow_251381's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Apr 26, 2016

Finding what Certificates are used by what SSL Profiles



I have a couple new certificates that will replace existing certificates on the F5. The new certificates will need to have new names and as a result the SSL profiles that use the old certificates will need to be updated.


My question is, how can I identify what certificates are used by what SSL profiles? The production F5 is managed by a third party so I only have GUI access, no terminal. Thank you in advance.


  • Easiest way to show what certs are attached to what profile would be the following.

    tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl cert
    tmsh list ltm profile server-ssl cert

    This will imply list all the SSL Profiles and the individual certs attached to them.

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Here's a quick solution if you are on a Linux box:

    curl -k -u admin:adminpass -X GET 'https://[f5.mgmt.ip.addr]/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/clientSsl' | /usr/bin/jq '.items[] | { selfLink, certKeyChain }'

    and the name of the SSL profile is identified in attribute "selfLink" in the output.

    You can download "jg", which is optional and is here to weed out information irrelevant to your need, from

  • Easiest way to show what certs are attached to what profile would be the following.

    tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl cert
    tmsh list ltm profile server-ssl cert

    This will imply list all the SSL Profiles and the individual certs attached to them.