Forum Discussion

janholtz's avatar
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Sep 29, 2020

Find the REAL POST Payload ...

Hey experts!


If I needed to find the actual payload of a POST, and not any of the embedded headers, I am currently finding the content, 3 characters after the end of the 'Content-Type:' header.


In the bits before the payload, I am extracting the filename, and ultimately creating a new content length value.

Please tell me there's a less buttugly way to do this (which would also not get broken when some silly client messes with the header order...??


  set delimit [string first -nocase "Content-Type:" [HTTP::payload]]

  incr delimit [string first "\n" [string range [HTTP::payload] $delimit end]]

  incr delimit 3

  set headerz [string range [HTTP::payload] 0 $delimit]

  set filename [findstr $headerz {filename} 10 {"}]

  log local0. "--Filename: $filename"

  set payloadz [string range [HTTP::payload] $delimit end]

  set lengthz [string length $payloadz]

  log local0. "---Payload: $payloadz"




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