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Sfollett_87956's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 14, 2011

Failure installing MP

I am running into a similar issue others have seen installing into a fresh build of SCOM running on Windows 2008 Std, SP2, SCOM 2007 R2, with CU3 installed. I am getting the following error at the end of the install:



The DataSource and ConditionDetection modules required for the F5 Monitoring Service to run could not be loaded by Operations Manager monitoring host. Check the Operations Manager Event Log for errors and manually start the F5 Monitoring Service once any issues have been resolved.



I am using my own account to install which is a domain admin (and in a group call SCOM administrators), and the domain account for the service account (sdkaccount)is a member of the SCOM administrators, a member of the local administrators group on the SCOM server, a member of the local administrators group on the SQL server, defined as a sysadmin within the SQL 2008 server where the SCOM database resides, and the SCOM administrator group has been added to the Operations Manager Administrators.



I can see that the F5_ManagementPack database has been created on the target server but it looks as though the sdkaccount only has public permission defined which may be normal. The F5 Monitoring Service installed but is not running, it can be started by will shutdown after a 10-15 seconds and generates the following in the F5 Monitoring Log




Unable to connect to data source: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host HealthService could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. : HealthService Detailed Exception Information: F5Networks.F5Exception: Unable to connect to data source: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host HealthService could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. : HealthService ---> F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionFailedException: The PerformanceDataSourceConnector connection to Operations Manager Health Service host HealthService could not be established: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. : HealthService ---> System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified. Server stack trace: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcPort.Connect(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel, Int32 timeout) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.ConnectionCache.GetConnection(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel level, Int32 timeout) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BinaryClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg) Exception rethrown at [0]: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type) at F5Networks.Remoting.ServerBase.get_HostProcess() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.OperationsManager.DataSource.DataSourceConnector`2.Connect() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.OperationsManager.DataSource.DataSourceConnector`2.Connect() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.OperationsManager.DataSource.ManagedDataSourceConnection`3.CoreConnect() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ManagedConnectionBase`1._DoConnectWithRecovery() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ManagedConnectionBase`1.Connect() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionPoolBase`2._CreatePoolMember() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionPoolBase`2._InitializeCache() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.DataAccess.ManagedConnections.ConnectionPoolBase`2.Initialize(UInt32 initialOperationSize) at F5Networks.ManagementPack.Services.DeviceMonitor._CreateDataSourceConnection() at F5Networks.ManagementPack.Services.DeviceMonitor._InitializeDataStore()



setup log is attached.




Any help is appreciated.
  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Please make sure the following conditions are satisfied:



    1. The service account running the F5 Monitoring Service has read-write access to the F5_ManagementPack SQL database.


    2. The F5 Management Pack is imported in SCOM: SCOM Management Console >> Administration >> Management Packs >> refresh >> make sure "F5 Networks" management pack is there.



    If 2 is not true, please manually import the F5 Networks Management Pack from \Program Files\F5 Networks\Management Pack\


    If both conditions are true, we can further investigate why the F5 Management Pack workflows / datasources are not loaded correctly within the SCOM Health Service.



    Please enable verbose logging for the F5 Monitoring Service (see, restart the F5 Monitoring Service, wait for the crash and send us the trace.log file located in \Program Files\F5 Networks\Management Pack\Log folder. The following event logs would also be very useful: F5 Monitoring Log and Operations Manager log.



    Thank you.




  • What is the allowed file extensions for uploading these log files? I need to zip them and that (*.zip) is not allowed. I have tried several variations.


  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    For some [unknown] reason we can't download the posted log files. Please send the arhived (zip) files to managementpack(at)f5(dot)com.



    Thank you.


  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    From the logs we can see that the F5 Management Pack Data Source is crashing on startup, inside the SCOM Health Service / Monitoring Host. You would also probably see an error event ID 4000 in the Operations Manager event log as well, signaling this crash. As a result, the F5 Monitoring Service is stopping during startup, upon attempting to connect to the Data Source.



    Now, the Data Source apparently is crashing because insufficient permissions while trying to open the F5 Monitoring Log. This operation involves reading the Event Log info from the local registry. While this attempt is being made, the security permissions are being audited (by the local system) and another failure happens while trying to open the Security log, to audit the security permission event. This operation is again compromised, apparently for the same security reasons (our logs shows that the 'Security' event log is missing). So clearly we have a permission issue here.



    - What is the account running the SCOM Health Service (i.e. System Center Management)? Is it different from LocalSystem?


    - Is it possible that you may have tracing enabled on your Data Source? This would be true, if you see a F5Networks.DataSource.dll.config file in your F5 Management Pack deployment folder. I hope it's not there, but if you have such a configuration file, I would recommend deleting it.


    - Is your SCOM environment distributed, with one Root Management Server and one or more management servers? I assume (from the current setup.log that we have from you) that it's only one Root Management Server. Correct me if I'm wrong.



    Let me know the answers to all these questions, and we'll further investigate.



    Thank you.





  • Julian,



    -The F5 Monitoring Service is using the Domain\sdkaccount (again the account is a member of the SCOM administrators, a member of the local administrators group on the SCOM server, a member of the local administrators group on the SQL server, defined as a sysadmin within the SQL 2008 server where the SCOM database resides, and the SCOM administrator group has been added to the Operations Manager Administrators)



    -The System Cneter Management (Health Service) is using Local System


    -There is no F5Networks.DataSource.dll.config anywhere in the C:\Program Files\F5 Networks folder structure.


    -Our SCOM environment consists of the RMS and the server that houses the database. The current deployment does not include a reporting server integration so we are not using the OperationsManagerDW DB. Should we be running a trace on the DB when the F5 service is starting up, do we suspect the issue there for permissions?



  • Julian,



    so I was having a seperate issue that looks like it was contributing to this issue. I ended up adding the SCOM worker account to the local administrators account on the RMS server. I then rebooted the server as I had a system patch that needed a reboot. Once it rebooted I noticed the F5 service running normally. I'll now try to discover the LTM units.



  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Thanks for the update Steve. Your fix makes sense for the issue we were having, as the SCOM Health Service attempts to load our F5 Management Pack Data Sources, which ultimately are .NET DLL assemblies GAC-ed (in Global Assembly Cache) on your system (RMS). Loading those assemblies ultimately requires local admin rights on the box.



    Your feedback is great and very much appreciated.



    Thank you!


  • I had this exact issue and for me the SCOM F5 Service account required read/write access to the database as well as execute permissions on the stored procedures, our DBA's created a new group to scope the execute permissons to the F5 management pack database.