Forum Discussion

gh0st_325958's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 10, 2017

Facebook, Share, Dos Profile, Proactive Bot Defense

Deal All,


I have a problem with Proactive Bot Defense.


If i share something on facebook, it share the og:url, og:type, og:title but it not share the og:image, og:description.


Have you ever met such a problem? Is there any solution?


  • Not quite sure how F5 ASM relates to URLs you share on Facebook? Do you work for Facebook and trying to protect Facebook using F5 ASM?


  • The problem might be in JavaScript code inserted by Proactive Bot Defence into your web application. It is possible that F5's JavaScript code conflicts with JavaScript used on the same page to share the page on Facebook - you might need to check with both your website developers (the problem might be due to their JavaScript code) and raise a support case with F5 in case the problem is due to F5's JavaScipt code injected by ASM