Forum Discussion
F5OS Admin User Session Terminated
New installation of r2600 at customers site. Someone else did the initial setup and has supplied me the admin/root passwords. Whem I try to log into the GUI with admin I immediatly get a User Session Terminated message. I can log into the CLI with no issues. At first I thought it might be a license issue as I saw the flash of a message regarding license. Was able to manually register license via CLI, but no change to login. Also noticed that the self signed cert was expired but updating that via CLI also didnt change login issue. On vesrion 1.1.1.
Any ideas, while I am waiting on customer to go through adding me to be able to open a ticket for their device.
This version is old. First upgrade to the latest releases then any other investigation should be done.
- TroublesBricking
I was thinking the same thing about the version and last night upgraded to 1.5 but still have issue. However, now the first login I was able to stay connected for a few more seconds but get a "Network connectivity was interupted and the session is being terminated". Subsequent connections seemto let me saty logged in for a few seconds and then the error messages varyies between a generic "Server Error" message and my orginal Session Terminated messsage.
I'm on a VM on my laptop, connecting over a VPN through and proxied to the customers network. I'm starting to think this is more of a connection issue vs an F5 issue. I am asking to see if I can get access to a Jump Box on the customer network.
Just in case check if appliance mode is enabled as it was an issue in the fast.
Outside of that review the logs and maybe the webui logs (log/system/webUI/) if the issue is only with the GUI and maybe surch for known bug and if needed open a support case.
I have a guide for this but it is a little old now:
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